Where my friend gets a Bible quote wrong: Suffer the little children to come

by Skip

BibleA good friend has been following GraniteGrok on the issue of the illegal alien kids invasion and sent this to me:

Skip – whatever happened to “suffer the little children to come“?  This isn’t a moment to score political points.  This is a moment to practice being a Christian.  Perhaps we should be sending troops to Hondoras instead of adding them to the unemployment lines.

He’s a good guy – a hard worker (former co-worker), a good family man, and takes his beliefs seriously. But he was offbase with this and I needed to gently tell him that:

“Suffer the little children to come” – use the whole quote in context, <redacted>.  It was never for us to call EVERY child in the world to come illegally into the US.  The full quote (Matthew 19) is:

13Then some children were brought to Him so that He might lay His hands on them and pray; and the disciples rebuked them. 14But Jesus said, “Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” 15After laying His hands on them, He departed from there.

And notice that it was His choice of an individual action – not a governmental one.  He did not

even demand his disciples to bless those children.  Individual, not collective.  Being a Christian is an individual action – a singular choice as no one can make that decision for you. So is Christian charity – an act of a contrite and willing heart.  Jesus called for the little children, the downcast of his own society, for a spiritual blessing that he PERSONALLY would give to them.

 Notice that during his ministry, he NEVER confronted the Government and ordered them to act in certain ways.  He did, however, admonish individuals to turn from their wicked ways. His sermons, his instructions were given to individuals to follow and grow with – never a collective.  I gently state that you have fallen for the Left’s perversion of conflating government with Christianity when it is politically convenient and raise “separation of Church and State when not (e.g. and with the HHS mandate that denies Christians on the other hand their religious Right).

Sorry, <redacted>, but when you try to mix / conflate spirituality  with the actions of Government, you get neither – for with Government there is only Politics, Power, and the Collective.  There is no Christian charity – just somebody doing a job paid by our taxes with someone “up top” pushing a lever of power.  Remember, Obama maintains that we, as opposed to what is in the First Amendment, only have a freedom of worship, not the free expression of such.  Look at the actual words that the Progressives (Dems and Rs) oft say: separation of church and state.  That is, until they serve their POLITICAL purposes (i.e. how often do you see these same people campaigning from a church pulpit?).  How else do you explain the HHS mandate that forces Christians to violate their Christian beliefs?).

“Suffer the little children to come” – what is the charity when Government FORCES you to accept children (and with the majority of the illegals kids coming in being 15-23, I’m not sure that “children” is the proper word to use) against your will?  What is the compassion that Lynn MA is seeing – shoving both refugees and illegals into their town is about to financially break that town, courtesy of the Federal Government.  Sorry Julius, what the Government is doing is not “compassionate” but DUMPING them.

Practicing being a Christian and showing true charity is for YOU to open up your family, your home, and adopt one or more of these “kids” and be totally financially responsible for them (note: the Good Samaritan took that upon himself for the person he aided).  I would applaud you AND be humbled by that.   But again, having Government forcing me to care for someone that has illegally crossed our border is an imposition if not actually immoral.  It is expecting me, a free and sovereign person, to care for someone else involuntarily.  How is that right, to involuntarily take my labor from me?

What about the Rule of Law, <redacted>?  I see it, laws concerning the protection our border, being broken (and has been for decades by our Presidents) – is that moral?  What about those folks that have spent years and thousands of dollars to immigrate LEGALLY, following our Rule of Law concerning such?  Mike, a Grokster, has done just that – are you calling him a chump for doing it right when all he had to do is either swim the Rio or walk the desert?

Are we just to put it aside simply because they are children?  Ask yourself and be real honest – HOW MANY is too little?  HOW MANY is too many?

HOW MANY taxpayers are you willing to tell “I am going to take your wages away from you and your family and give it to people that should not be here”?  Do you have the courage to tell someone else “You WILL take care of these people”?  How about the families of those Border Patrolmen that have now caught intractable TB – Not only will their husbands and fathers die, so may they?

How can you reconcile Michelle Obama’s “I demand healthy school lunches” with her husband’s Administration that is sending kids all over the country – and we have no idea of the illnesses that will not be told to local officials.  Thirteen illegal kids were just sent here – and the State and local health officials are going nuts!  How is that “Christian” by our Govt to just inject these kids willy-nilly into local school systems that are just not set up for these kids – nor are they being given a chance.

I can guarantee you that you have not followed the politics as broadly and in depth as I and the other Groksters have.  I can also tell that you have not thought through all of the ramifications that will come from this – and I have only touched on a couple.

In this, you are wrong, for you are allowing other people to make their problems yours.  It is not our responsibility for Honduras, for example – it is theirs.  We should not be made to suffer for their corrupt and incompetent governments.

– Skip


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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