So Kelly Ayotte must be proud of the Amnesty efforts separating young children from their parents?


Amnesty-KidsWith words emanating from Obama, folks like Eric Cantor, Chuck Schumer, Luis Guttieriez, and yes, our own Kelly Ayotte, that amount to that America WANTS underaged illegal aliens to come to America – come NOW and you’ll get Amnesty!  All you have to do is get here and this formerly rich nation (now the brokest nation in history) will make your DREAMers streets of gold  come true – we’ll house you, feed you, clothe you, and courtesy of the Obama Administration, give you lawyers so that you’ll never have to go home.  And a whole bunch of new friends as roommates!  Tight, dudes…(as in space, that is)

And we will give you free healthcare even better than what our Veterans get – this American President is already mobilizing them to come see us (yes, shots included). Speaking of Veterans, who are having to personally lawyer up out of their own pockets to get that care, Ayotte’s Amnesty Kiddies won’t have to worry about that at all – Obama’s and Ayotte’s Amnesty Kiddie Corp is rushing lots of lawyers to you – FREE (at the expense of those nativist Americans who don’t like line jumpers – such an old fashioned traditional American notion to cling to)!

Yessir, this is the Amnesty Kelly Ayotte and company have been waiting for (down there in DC).  Can’t read?  Bringing in communicable tropical diseases? Want your Government to be your parents?  NO PROBLEM!  After all, we’ve got LOTS of Americans from which we can take even more so we can point to ourselves, pat ourselves on the back, and say “what good boys and gals are we!”

Not to worry – we will ship you to our political enemies’ States (like Arizona and Gov. Brunner), fly you hundreds or thousands of miles, put you in unsanitary warehouses or put in into “repurposed military bases” (as nothing says “Fundamentally  Transforming American) like making our military bases into daycare centers with babysitting services.  After all you can’t man a tank when your arms full of Pampers, right?).

It’s like what that Lutheran group in MA does to Manchester and Nashua – ship in refugees, spend a bit of time with them, and then a hearty Ciao – except instead of a few 10s at a time, Kelly Ayotte’s de facto Amnest is now bringing in hundreds of thousands per year!  See, Kelly – SOMEBODY has been listening to you (just outside of NH).

Kelly, is THIS the kind of “comprehensive immigration reform” and Amnesty you’ve told us you wanted – with 10s of thousands of minors just blithely crossing our borders because politicians like you have made it attractive to do so?  Who else are WE, the working class, supposed to blame but YOU in the “Ruling Class” that just knows ever so much more than us?

The more sinister elements of the Ruling Class wanted this to happen, because they believe those young refugees will give them the political muscle to ram amnesty through, completing the transformation of America into a form more amenable to Big Government and Big Business.  (What are you going to do with these kids, amnesty opponents?  Airlift them back to whence they came, and drop them into a crossfire between drug gangs?  Leave them squatting in camps for the rest of their lives?)  The more gullible elements of the Ruling Class scratch their heads and wonder why all these new arrivals didn’t hear their elegantly nuanced promises that amnesty would only be offered to “dreamers” who meet all sorts of residency conditions.  The most opportunistic elements of the Ruling Class rub their hands together in anticipation of another $2 billion spending program to care for all these refugees.

And the working people of America, the taxpayers, look at this disaster and ask: When did I vote for this?  Why am I expected to pay for it?  Why am I carrying a burden that the squalid governments of South America don’t feel like dealing with?  What about our tough economy, weak job market, and tottering welfare state?

(H/T: RedState, emphasis mine).  Answer me this, Kelly, why is it that we not only pay your salary, and all of the govt workers, as well as the humunguous Welfare State – and now you expect us to pay for and raise other peoples’ kids that shouldn’t be here?  Or have you finally succumbed to the Totally Open Borders version of the USA – mi nacion et su nacion and you get in and stay for FREE!

How much more, Kelly, do you expect us to “take” from you Ruling Classers?



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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