Next up at the NH GOP Annual Meeting was the “meet and greet” of the candidates for the top State and Federal offices. NH GOP Vice-Chair JP Marzullo (and now candidate for the NH GOP nomination in NH State Senate District 8)
Walt Havenstein Andrew Hemingway
- Havenstein pushed his Big Business expertise in being able to handle Big Government.
- Andrew pushed his entrepreneurship and its required nimbleness and also his ability to attract a following that is all but impossible for other Republicans to do – the youth. Along with Jim Rubens, the top two speeches of the day. It is clear from both the introductory applause as well as the applause afterwards that Andrew was the clear favorite of the activists present at the NH GOP Annual Meeting.
Previous videos:
- NH GOP Annual Meeting
- 2014 NH GOP Annual Meeting Keynote Speakers – Kelly Ayotte, Joe Scarborough
- 2014 NH GOP Annual Meeting – RNC Committee members Steve Duprey and Julianna Bergeron
- 2014 NH GOP Annual Meeting – NH State Senate President Chuck Morse and NH State Rep Laurie Sanborn