The Obligatory "Hey, Barney Frank will soon be gone!" post - Granite Grok

The Obligatory “Hey, Barney Frank will soon be gone!” post

I first saw the news at Hot Air ("Exit stage left"):

Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) will announce later today that he will not run for re-election.

So, we see yet another example of a politician not being held accountable for what he (or she) has wrought.  Bahnee Fwank will take his decades of service (and yes, a hat tip to his hard work, his intelligence, and his turns of phrases) on the wrong side of the aisle and go into history, not quite a Ted "Swimmer" Kennedy, being lauded for his work – regardless of whether it was good for the country or not

Frankly (pun intended), Fwank almost single-handedly engineered the present fiscal meltdown with his work on CRA which, when combined with his stalwart defense of both Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae (the mortgage buyers of Big Government’s last resort and market makers) as it demanded lax relaxed its lending rules, created the sub-prime market (as well as bedding one of Freddie’s executives who ran a prostitution ring on the side from Bahnee’s house) that started the whole mess running from the Start line.  Add in his work with half of the infamous Dodd-waitress-Kennedy sandwich to create the Dodd-Frank handcuff hangman’s knot regulation of financial companies (that will make Sarbanes-Oxley look like a first grader’s primer), who knows what havoc that will be wreaked on the rest of us.

But he will go into retirement, carefully shielded by his Leftist stature, and the Government pension we will pay him for the rest of his days.  Unlike in the private sector where his actions would have been immediately and swiftly be placed on his head, he personally will never be held accountable or liable that has been done as a "public servant" (and a high priced one as well).

Well done?  Yeah, we all are.
