GrokTV Event - NH State Representative Al Baldasaro - Granite Grok

GrokTV Event – NH State Representative Al Baldasaro

God love him – former Marine, transmission only operates in one direction (forward) and always in motion.  A "prior Marine", he’s still operating as if he never left the Corp or his oath.  I don’t know Al well, other than I know who he is (and I think he may know who I am – maybe).  No matter – the endearing quality to Al, in my Conservative eyes, is that he never stops and never counts the odds.  A politician that just presses forward and if that takes him into a "lion’s den" so be it.  Unlike many politicians who pick and choose or think "high road only", he is ALWAYS willing to engage with those on "the other side".  

Well, there were plenty of opportunities for "engagement" and during one of my forays in and out of the House Chamber, I found Al yakking with some of the union supporters (a bit on the militant side).  Many of the Repub pols would not engage – I think he relishes them.  We join him "in action"

Yes, it was as much an exercise for me in "gee, can this new mic work for this, will the camera get a decent picture, AND will this monopole tripod ("monopod") actually work as a "boom" for both?

Happy to report that I am happy with the results – the video, the audio, and Al.

Semper Fi, sir from this Semper Fi Dad!
