GrokTALK! - after thoughts... - Granite Grok

GrokTALK! – after thoughts…

During yesterday’s GrokTALK! show, we discussed the Right To Work bill  (HB 474) making its way through the NH Legislature.  After the show, I received this from GrokTALK! listener, Barbara:

"…why does the public sector think they deserve a pension when pensions have largely been eliminated for the private sector?"

Here were my 10 quick thoughts from my reply:

  • Not understanding that times have changed
  • Not willing to accept that times have changed with the private sector, thus, have to change with the public sector
  • Not willing to accept that the "compensation scale" has shifted, and that balance has to be restored.
  • A callous outlook upon those that fund their salaries and benefits
  • No empathy for those that are struggling to pay their own bills in order to pay their taxes.
  • An entitlement mentality that rivals that of the welfare class
  • An union outlook that categorizes their neighbors, the taxpayers, as "The Man" and "The Boss" that deserves an attitude, not respect
  • An mentality that engenders an "Us vs Them" – for all of the rhetoric of inclusion, it is a bit lack of such.
  • Union bosses that have shifted so far Left to the Socialist camp, it is now apparent to the general public that the Unions think they come first
  • And with the above, it is clear that the Unions have changed the paradigm; they say they serve the public – their actions say that the public is there to serve their wants.

Your thoughts?
