NH GOP Annual Meeting - a few pictures - Granite Grok

NH GOP Annual Meeting – a few pictures

Well, a couple of folks took the time in taking pictures of us at the NH GOP Annual meeting – if they were willing to take the time, we’re willing to take the time to post them!

This by Bob Jursik is really neat:

 Grok at NH GOP Annual meeting overhead

Top left is Jorge Mesa-Tejada being interviewed by me, Tom Flaherty is at his laptop talking to a couple of passerbys.  I got there real early and kinda" commandered this spot as being best suited for our special edition of GrokTALK! all day long – mixer, cameras, mics, et al – and we thank Mike Rodgers for the comms gear and expertise to keep us up pretty much all day long (no Wifi).

And Alan "The Camera" Glassman took this and the two after the jump:

I’m yakking with Steve as Phyllis Woods, RNC Committeewoman from NH, stops by to say hello (and yes, we did talk with her as well).

Many thanks, sirs!

Oh yeah – many people thought this was amusing as I wore it all day long:

I am not the second coming of Ryan Williams

(in reference to the rumor that I was going to be the next Comm Dir of the NH GOP – Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!)


Early on, before the Meeting actually started, Alan caught Steve and I talking shop:

And this one as we were setting up:

