Carol Scold-Porter - can she even get it right closing the door behind her? - Granite Grok

Carol Scold-Porter – can she even get it right closing the door behind her?


Leave it to Carol to get it wrong on the way to the EXIT door:

FRIDAY UPDATE: BACKING TAX CUTS. Outgoing Democratic U.S. Reps. Carol Shea-Porter and Paul Hodes voted Thursday in favor of extending into 2011 the Bush tax cuts for incomes of less than $200,000 for individuals and less than $250,000 for families.

The bill passed the House, 234-188, but it was a largely symbolic vote because the plan would not pass the Senate as written because Republicans want the tax cuts continued for all American, regardless of income levels. Democrats, Republicans and the Obama administration are trying to work on a compromise on how to treat tax cuts for the wealthy.

In a brief statement, Shea-Porter noted that even under the bill passed on Thursday, "Everyone gets a tax cut up to $250,000, even the wealthiest Americans. But lower and middle class families truly need these tax cuts. This bill adds to the debt, but costs $700 billion less than the Republican proposal."

So, both Hodes and Scold_Porter decided that they would go down with the ship with respect to the Democrat Class Warfare Doctrine – "It’s really ours even if you earned it – get over it".  In effect, they have made their stand on "Obama’s Hill" in supporting the Obama Tax Hike of 2010; erect their political tombstones on the crest.

All men are created equal?  No, not in the eyes, hearts, and wallets vacuums of the Democrats.

To the end, Scold-Porter also stays true to her mantra that "the little people cannot do anything without Government".  This was the main point of her race with Congressman Guinta:

  • she believes wholly in Government and that we "little people" are unable to live our miserable lives with the the supporting hands of Government
  • Frank demonstrated that people can be absolutely successful without any Government assistance at all – to the utter disbelief of Shea-Porter.

To the end, she shows the Progressive belief that any money not taken in taxes is actually costing  the Government; nary a mention is made of the cost to the individual that actually earned the money.  To Progressives, that is merely an incidental thought – Government comes first!

If that thought and belief is extended, it also holds that we all are not the sovereign individuals from which Government needs our consent, but are on our way to being mere subjects.  After all, Progressives seem to be more than willing to take from others, not at just the point of a gun, but the flair of a signature at the end of the pen.
