Notable Quote - Kenneth P. Green - Granite Grok

Notable Quote – Kenneth P. Green

This is an eternal blind spot for environmentalists: people respond to incentives, and they won’t necessarily respond to regulations in the way that regulators think they will. That’s how the Endangered Species Act led landowners to destroy habitat to prevent the government from making their land worthless. That’s how incentives for electric cars wound up creating free golf cart sales to the well-off. That’s how subsidies for new efficient refrigerators led to more people having two fridges instead of one. That’s how helping to create the corn ethanol lobby (originally as a gasoline additive to address summertime carbon monoxide emissions) has led to an entrenched rent-seeking industry that engages in massive environmental despoliation. And now, once again, environmentalist actions lead to more, not less environmental damage. Will they never learn?

–  Kenneth P. Green

(H/T: The Enterprise Blog)
