The World is Watching…a shameless shill and promotion.



We have this neat little feature behind the GraniteGrok website, that let’s us see where, in the World, our visitors are coming from.  If you look at our last 200 visitors (as of October 6th, 12:45pm EST), you’ll see that we’ve got quite a far-reaching audience, not just folks in New Hampshire.  Some of these visitors are finding us by various Google searches; some find us via Facebook; some are regular readers.

Let your friends and associates know about the GraniteGrok and the service we provide.  Share our Facebook page with them, if they don’t have the time, or inclination, to peruse the vast content itself.

Communicate with everyone you know, about the virtues of Conservatism, smaller government, fiscal responsibility, and individual liberties.  Use the GraniteGrok as a template, as your talking points, to help spread this message.  We’d like to think we do a pretty good job at it.  We also do our best to help promote various candidates, who espouse these very virtues.

You can also help us make this blog better by donating.  We do this for free, and on our own time, and every little bit helps.

November, here we come!


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