Rochester 912 Project-Republican NH CD-1 Congressional Debate: How much $$ is left in the SS Trust Fund, how to fix SS, and support an opt-out? - Granite Grok

Rochester 912 Project-Republican NH CD-1 Congressional Debate: How much $$ is left in the SS Trust Fund, how to fix SS, and support an opt-out?

Two nights ago, the Rochester 912 Project staged their latest debate; this time between the five Republican candidates striving to be the Republican nominee to retire on Carol Shea-Porter from  Congress. As with the Senate Debate held a couple of weeks ago, the focus was on the Constitution and the questions probing their knowledge of it were drawn from the members of the Project  themselves. Once again, I was impressed with the quality of the questions.

This video: How much money is currently in the Social Security Trust Fund, and with the Baby Boomers coming to retirement age and their numbers being much larger than Generation X, what plans would you propose to fix Social Security, and do you support an opt-out for any Americans?

No Rough Notes for this question – Flip cam filled up and had to switch to a back up cam.
