Rochester 912 Project-Republican NH CD-1 Congressional Debate: Is Carol Shea-Porter correct that politics is not a spectator sport? Reactions and do her actions live up to her words? - Granite Grok

Rochester 912 Project-Republican NH CD-1 Congressional Debate: Is Carol Shea-Porter correct that politics is not a spectator sport? Reactions and do her actions live up to her words?

Last night, the Rochester 912 Project staged their latest debate; this time between the five Republican candidates striving to be the Republican nominee to retire on Carol Shea-Porter from  Congress. As with the Senate Debate held a couple of weeks ago, the focus was on the Constitution and the questions probing their knowledge of it were drawn from the members of the Project  themselves. Once again, I was impressed with the quality of the questions.

This video:  Recently, Congressman Carol Shea-Porter publicly stated that Democracy is not a spectator sport; every single one of us has to be part of it. Tells us what your thoughts are regarding this statement.  Is it accurate and do you agree with the Congresswoman Porter’s action match her words?

  • Bob Bestani:    Shocked he agrees with CSP on this.  We are not teaching our kids this.  we all should be.
  • Frank Guinta:    Y, and people are getting involved because they disagree with her.  why did CSP hold town halls AFTEr she voted on Obamacare and then only try to persuade us.  Let us tell her how involved  we are going to be.
  • Rich Ashooh:    Pay CSP a compliement – she got involved when she thought things were going wrong.  She, however, believes that once winning, the job is done.  Her stance that Obmacare doesn’t go far enough shows she is not listening to her constituents.  He will be at the dumps.
  • Sean Mahoney:    CSP is wrong for the state & nation; CnT, Obamacare, et al.  She believes that Feds should take care of us from cradle to grave.  Her actions do not match her words.  She’s on reord on voting with Pelosi 93% of time
  • Peter Bearse:    CSp is right on not being a spectator sport and that the office can be won as a low budget race.  It has, however, been about people being treated as political consumers and not producers

