Hacking at Revolution Islam site - Granite Grok

Hacking at Revolution Islam site

These are the lunkheads, based in NY, that decided to threaten the the two guys behind South Park for the depiction of Mohammad in that cartoon format – and they got their site hacked:

giving rise to the Draw Mohammed Day on the Internet.  I can’t draw to hardly save my life, but I can post!  I’ll agree with the Armed Liberal (who screen capped it) on this:

Ridicule is absolutely the correct response, and while I generally disapprove of hacking – I’ll make an exception here.

Ridicule is the right response against those that would deny us the expression of Free Speech simply by dint of the intimidation of physical violence by adherents of the Jihadist movement of Islam.  Succumbing to that threat and submitting to dhimmitude?  Not at the ‘Grok, we not!

Mark Steyn over at The Corner brings attention to Ross Douthart’s take on this (as part of the reason why the Islamofascists hate us so much is for our "decadence"):

This is what decadence looks like: a frantic coarseness that “bravely” trashes its own values and traditions, and then knuckles under swiftly to totalitarianism and brute force.

And we all know that knuckling down to bullies only begats more bullies…

Update:  Here’s more my style (after the jump) – you, too, if you want to join in the fun but need a bit of help…



(H/T:  TownHall)

