A hidden Obamacare Easter Egg and a list from the Heritage Foundation of more obvious ones. - Granite Grok

A hidden Obamacare Easter Egg and a list from the Heritage Foundation of more obvious ones.

The passage of Obamacare is not the end of the process, no matter what the Democrats say or want us to believe.  As Nancy Pelosi famously said "We have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it".

Yeah, like this one.  Not only does Obamacare now tell the states that Medicaid eligibility has to go to 133% of the poverty level (now at about $22K +/- for a family of four, with Obamacare subsides going up to 400% of poverty: that’s $88K for a family of four!!!).  Now, this is coming to light, thanks to Jon Ward at the Daily Caller:

States have in the past been required to provide payment for services to physicians. Now, under the new definition, states will be liable for ensuring provision of “the care and services themselves.”

In other words, states are legally on the hook not only to ensure that Medicaid recipients are paid for, but that they’re seen by a doctor.

This is STAGGERING!  For the first time, the Federal Government is telling the States:

Not only are you on the hook because WE raised eligibility, but Obama (and Shea-Porter, Hodes, and Shaheen) is telling the States that if a patient is unhappy with quality of service, they can sue the taxpayers!

"…but that they’re seen by a doctor…".  This is every lawyer’s wet dream. Tort Reform? Sure is – but not the type that was looked for! Now, if you remember, the NEMJ did a poll that said up to 1/3 of all doctors might quit – many are no longer willing to accept Medicaid patient.  What can the States do to protect themselves?  There is only one way in the short term:

Pass laws that mandate that Doctors accept any and all patients regardless of payment source.

Think that is going to keep doctors working?  The next, and I hope illogical step if doctors decide to close up shop, is to force doctors to continue to practice – there is no other way to do what Obamacare mandates.  Individual Freedom?  When someone is forced to do something that they are not otherwise willing to do, regardless of the subject, that is not freedom – it is slavery.  

If that wasn’t bad enough by itself, Heritage lists 10 of the items that are probably going to turn this Entitlement negative real quick:

President Obama recently signed gargantuan health care legislation into law that will have major ramifications for every man, woman, and child in the United States. This newly enacted law originates from the Senate health care bill (the “Patients Protection and Affordability Act”) and a sidecar reconciliation bill that originated in the House. Between these two bills are countless provisions that grow federal spending, increase burdensome taxes, and put federal rules and regulations between Americans and control over their health care.

Outlined here are the 10 major ways in which the Left’s so-called health care reform will hurt Americans.

1. New Spending Grows the Federal Deficit

2. Bending the Cost Curve in the Wrong Direction

3. New Taxes and Mandates Hinder Economic Growth

4. Regulations Grow Government Control over Health Care

5. Expanding Broken Entitlement Programs

6. Burdening State Budgets

7. Neglecting Medicare

8. Creates Discrimination Against Low Income Workers

9. Exchange Eligibility Creates Inequity

10. Questions of Constitutionality

The End of the Beginning

These disasters are only the beginning of the vast effects the President’s health care overhaul will have on the U.S. As bits and pieces of the law are implemented, its effects on states, businesses, and Americans of every ilk will become manifest. Congress and the American people should not view passage of the liberals’ health care package as the end of the debate on reform. Rather, the long and tedious journey toward restoring personal control over health care dollars and decisions is just beginning.

There’s more info for each of the items – as with most Heritage Foundation pieces, go read it. 
