Wrong Way Obama? - Granite Grok

Wrong Way Obama?

Shoulda put this up earlier, but it’s still valid.  People may have wanted Change after having President Bush, but after just a year, they REALLY want a Change.  Gotta hand it to Barry, he’s done in a year that it took Bush 8 years.

And for those Progressives that are thinking "hey, we just haven’t implemented all our ideas – Government Works and it’s coming to help you!" – I think you ought to sit down first:

The American people aren’t too keen on that idea either.  Only 23% of voters want government to do more for them and are willing to pay the taxes for Government to do so.  In fact, a full 2/3ds want fewer services and thus, be able to keep more money in their own pockets.

And this was backed up in a separate poll of NJ voters – you know, that State that implemented an income tax because property taxes were too high???   Yeah, just about 53% of those in Jersey want lesser taxes and lesser amount of services as well.

Of course, those that profit off of Government, the Political and welfare class, ain’t groovin’ to this at all.  Heh, both will have to start work for a living (especially the former), I guess….
