NH Democrat Party - tit for tat? Will they cast out their own? Or should they? - Granite Grok

NH Democrat Party – tit for tat? Will they cast out their own? Or should they?

Filed under Political Correctness

The Democrat and gay activists were brutal on Doug when he said a single word – to the point that "No apology would be sufficient" and that many wanted him destitute on the street and his family.  And of course, people like Ron Tunning of Laconia (gay activist and Laconia Democrat City Chair, to whom Doug was a constant thorn in his side) led the charge to have him silenced. 

Now, it is turn for a NH Democrat, this Nick Levasseur (who I do not know), basically said that bad cartooning was a sufficient reason to have dropped another A-bomb at the end of WW II.  Certainly another case of not being politically correct by ANY stretch of the imagination.

I said at the time that Doug had said a Real Dumb Thing.  I still believe it.  He said he was sorry and to show such, he was going to drop EVERYTHING political and retreat to consider his ways. True to his word, he has done so even to the point of isolating himself from many of friends.

And thus, to be true to my nature of calling a spade a spade, I have to say that Levasseur also has said a Real Dumb Thing (although wishing death on thousands of people more than what was necessary to end the War was going way further down the Politically Incorrect Road).

Doug has stayed true to his word – he has been extremely upset over what he said and has done what he said he would do – a man of his word.  Yet, there are those that still wish to extract not their pound of flesh but would still strip the flesh from his bones if they had the opportunity – simply because, as the faux outrage of the TEA Party movement and Sarah’s map, they wish to shut up as many of their opposition as possible by any means possible.  That is the main goal – that is their only goal. The political correctness "infraction" that was incurred is just a bonus (always has been, always will be) but Leftists and Progressives will never admit to that – to them, it is simply a tool with which to bludgeon and silence the "enemies" that stand in their way of their goals. 

Now, the Democrats castigated Doug shamelessly.  Then they shamed most of the Republicans into disavowing Doug – which most did (with a small handful refusing to follow suit – and I have a long memory and plenty of thanks that did).  So, have we seen a similar thing happen in reverse? Has the NH Democrat Party said anything at all?  No, no pressers listed on their website disavowing Levasseur’s words (and none on the NH GOP either).  Nothing that a quick Google search turns up either. 

Moral of the story?  What’s not good for the goose is ok for the gander? That the crime is the same but since the member of the political aisle is on the other side, the political air is silent.

So, what’s my take on it? Well, Levasseur apologized (H/T: RedHampshire – since NHPoliticalReport is a paid site):

“[…]This comment is a disappointment not only to the people of our state, whom it has been my privilege to serve, but also to my own beliefs and moral code.”

And RedHampshire adds this – to which I completely agree:

It is also telling how silent the Democrat leadership has been regarding the comment.  I would’ve hoped that they would have repudiated his comments long ago.

The same political infraction but with a two different outcomes:

  • from Democrats all too willing to after a political opponent for a slight; the Republicans caved. 
  • One was banished from political life altogether; and probably no retribution at all for the other.

It proves that the Democrats refuse to police themselves for the same crime – such hypocrisy.  I doubt that any calls will ever be made for any consequence to be applied in Levasseur’s case.  Yet, if being even handed was to carry the day, he would withdraw like Doug (seeing that the "crime" are equivalent )or be banished.

What would I do?  What will I do?  What do I want?

Lavesseur apologized – that is sufficient; no asking for him to step down.  However, he could take a lesson from Doug – but I would not ask for it.  Is he man enough to do so on his own to show remorse by stepping down? 

Don’t know.  Should he?  That is between him and his God (if he, indeed, is a believer; his family and friends if not).  Will the NH Democrats publicly tell him to resign?  I doubt it – and I don’t think they should.  Nor should the NH Republican Party issue anything.

"But Skip, you lost you best friend, your fellow Grokster, your co-host over this kind of thing!"  Indeed, I have.  And there is a hole that may never be filled as a result.

I have written much since November about the scourge that is Political Correctness – I believe it to be a tool of the Progressive movement to redefine the language so as to redefine our morality so as to reach their socialist / Marxist political goals (under the guise of "making people better").  It was used to silence Doug and to threaten all he had.  I was against its use then.  I am against it now.  Yeah, I brought it up here but to help make the point here.

To not be against it now would force me to brand myself to be a hypocrite – and that I will not do even at the loss of a "hammer him to death" moment.  It was wrong at the time, and it would be wrong now.


Update: a fuller version of the apology:

"I would like to deeply apologize for the insensitivity of this post. It was a poorly thought out comment, posted jest on my private facebook page. It was never intended to be viewed by anyone other than friends. This, of course, does not excuse the comment. This type of statement has no place in public or private discourse. It does not represent any true opinion, political or personal. My record in the New Hampshire House shows a commitment to equality and social justice. It is a record of which I am most proud. This comment is a disappointment not only to the people of New Hampshire, whom it has been my privilege to serve, but also to my own beliefs and moral code."
