I guess anyone looking at the wrong end of the barrel would have their knickers in a wad - Granite Grok

I guess anyone looking at the wrong end of the barrel would have their knickers in a wad

Frankly, most of the Right DO have the Left in our sights, we’re loaded for bear, and are ready for the hunt.  After all, we are the straight shooters and not just from the hip, either.  Yeah, the panty waisted Dems (who can’t even muster a cork-gun [heck, I dunno that most of them know what one of those are!]) wants us to holster our anger.  They cry out with very faux anger and self-righteous dufusness over Sarah’s map.

Sorry, but you ARE the guys who painted the bullseyes on your foreheads politically by treating us as mere rednecks (as Obama said, clinging to our guns) the caliber of your arguments are less than that of an airgun – although you do have sufficient hot air to fill the cartridges!

OK, so I jest a tad.  But only tad….Heh – jokes on you folks, and the public are just rolling their eyes in that you are trying just too hard to make dumb debating points; you’re shooting blanks; get a grip.  Any hoping that complaining about Sarah’s map is nothing but a long shot anyways.

Frankly, this is nothing more than the Left figuring out that we on the Right, no matter what is said or done, no longer should use our First Amendment Rights.  Steve rightly points out one of the KEY ways that the Left wishes to use to "terminate" the connection that the TEA Party has with the general public with calls of "RACIST!!!".

Hey, dudes – have you not gotten the message:  you’re overplaying the word?  Think: Wolf!

Ditto: Haters!  

You know, like the guy that said this (seemingly, hating enough to talk about shooting):

the hunting of neo-conservative Reaganites (a shooting sport brought to you by the republican party in more ways than one!)

and this (H/T: RedHampshire) (seemingly, hating the Japanese people enough to have wanted to bomb them more instead of just getting WW II to end?

Nick Levasseur Offensive Remark 

This would be NH Democrat State Rep Nick Levasseur (email here).  You know, the white dude that is standing next the guy who seemingly doesn’t like his subjects (in his opinion) complaining about his policies (you know, those of us who cling to God and our guns) – does this make him a hater by association?  After all, he seemingly hates capitalism, hates personal charity, seemingly hates "rich" people (keeps wanting to give their money to other people who haven’t earned it):


obama and japan hater


Will the Democrats condemn Levasseur for HIS HATE SPEECH?

But they won’t "get it" – they just don’t understand that the public DOESN’T like what they are seeing.  Although the Progressives are *beside* themselves that they are giving the people stuff that is "good" for them, the people are brighter than the average children that the Left thinks they are.

There, I’m done (and done with abusing gun metaphors for a while).
