Hey, NH GOv. John "Do Nuttin'" Lynch: is the bell readying itself to toll for thee? - Granite Grok

Hey, NH GOv. John “Do Nuttin'” Lynch: is the bell readying itself to toll for thee?

NH Gov. John Lynch 

"Mene mene tekel upharsin"

This news from Rassmussen from a bit ago is surely not warming the cockles of the Democrat John Lynch:

Lynch, who was reelected in 2008 with 70% of the vote, has yet to announce but is expected to seek an unprecedented fourth two-year gubernatorial term.

He leads Dover businessman Jack Kimball by 19 points, 51% to 32%. Four percent (4%) like some other candidate, and 12% are undecided. In September, Lynch led Kimball 52% to 31%.

The incumbent governor posts a 23-point lead – 53% to 30% – against conservative activist Karen Testerman. In that match-up, five percent (5%) prefer some other candidate, and 12% are not sure.

Look, I know that the election is not for a long time yet to come, but let me be blunt – while I know both Jack and Karen, they are not household names to the extent that Lynch is.  For them to be THIS close cannot be good news.  Only 20 odd point differences?  Yes, if held today, it would be a landslide win for the government.  But jeesh, how many people know HIM and how many people really know THEM?

And with his breaking of promises, the public will start to question his integrity.  With his State of the Union claiming a balanced budget and now owning up that the Lynch budget is NOT balanced, the public SHOULD start questioning his managerial skills (or lack thereof) to keep the budget balanced or the political skills (or lack thereof) to reign in the very Progressive Democrat Legislators that are spending WAY beyond this State can handle during this recession.

Remember that Beach Boys song, Fun, Fun, Fun (…"Daddy took the T-Bird away"…)? Well, Daddy Obama’s stimulus money  is going away now too – nothing to fill the holes – don’t believe me? 

Believe this:

Obama budget mess

(H/T: Jim at Big Government)

Democrats – all spending the very same way!

And this will be no Fun, Fun, Fun for the taxpayers….
