Free speech for a free people - Granite Grok

Free speech for a free people

Saw this link over at Instapundit and wanted to see if it was some DIRT on Andy Stern, the power greedy, socialist that runs the SEIU.  Turns out, it was a clip of some ordinary citizens that were trying to exercise their Free Speech concerning a political activity – and their struggle against the government regulation / strictures and their political foes use of it to stifle that speech.

This is one problem when Government decides what free speech is, and isn’t.  This is the problem when the politically connected USE that "Government distortion of the marketplace" ability to suppress that free speech.  Remember, while not always true, it is generally the case that they who use Government to stop Free Speech are often those that advocate for bigger and bigger government – and in this case, it was.  Thus, when someone does such to you, do your homework and check out if the label "Statist" applies to that person – and then act appropriately.

But it also shows what determined, ordinary folk can do when the cry is, as one person that emailed me this week:

"Welcome back to the fight. This time I know our side will win

Remember: the answer is NEVER less speech – it is MORE speech!

(H/T: Virginia Postrel for the YouTube, Kip for the Casablanca quote)
