Spoken like a true Democrat - Granite Grok

Spoken like a true Democrat

This is rather shocking.  I, along with many of you, grew up believing (and still believe!) that America, these United States, has been, is, and should continue to be "that shining city on the hill."   We have been the protector of the free world and helped millions at high cost in our treasure and our blood.  Our personal generosity is unmatched in the world whenever things go wrong.  This "American exceptionalism" stems, in part, from from the fact that this country was born from ideas grounded in freedom and not merely a geographical location.  We were not based in ethnicity or religion; instead, the primary founding ideal was the protection of individual liberty from an encroaching government. 

All of this yielded a country that gave one the opportunity to succeed beyond one’s wildest dreams.  That "shining city on the hill"?  Indeed!   One would expect that our prominent leaders, Republican AND Democrat, would share that feeling with the rest of us – at least in public.

Not THIS Democrat – former Secretary of State, Madelaine Albright speaks what seems to be a widely held notion within the Democrat Party while in Russia.  Reported by Pravda:

Madeleine Albright said during the meeting that America no longer had the intention of being the first nation of the world.

Well, it IS obvious that Obama’s Administration is taking such actions that this, no longer being the preeminent nation, may well become true.  It is NOT true, however,  that those of us that actually love this country, warts and all, were asked about our opinion as to this notion! 

This is symptomatic of the current Democrat "leaders" – they have ascribed to America as a merely flawed nation – nothing special.  In fact, many on the Left (as she is) see us as the problem; not the world’s best but actually the world’s bully that must be "smacked down".

The former US Secretary of State surprised the audience with her speech. She particularly said that democracy was not the perfect system. "It can be contradictory, corrupt and may have security problems," Albright said.

America has been having hard times recently, Albright said.

"We have been talking about our exceptionalism during the recent eight years. Now, an average American wants to stay at home – they do not need any overseas adventures. We do not need new enemies," Albright said adding that Beijing, London and Delhi became a serious competition for Washington and New York.

Madame Albright, may I introduce you to some ordinary, average American folks that DO believe it.  You haunt DC – did you ask any of the half to one million TEA Party folks as to what they think of that pronouncement of yours?   I daresay that their thoughts would not mirroring yours.

"My generation has made many mistakes. We give the future into the hands of the young. Your prime goal is to overcome the gap between the poor and the rich,’ the former head of the US foreign political department said.

Funny, our Founding Fathers spoke of Freedom and Liberty – not of how much one made.  They spoke of opportunity – and not an equal outcome. Oh, how far we have strayed….well, our so called leaders have – you know, the Elite Left (our "betters"). 

With the current policies of Obama, Pelosi, and Reid showing nothing but failure, this may be true – all we can do is blame the current socialist leaning poli

(H/T: Powerline)
