So I’m at the Carol Shea Porter town hall style meeting in Portsmouth last Saturday, and, while watching the passing scene, I started to notice a few people that appeared to be "working" the crowd pretty heavily. Following the event, there was quite a spectacle out front that made for some interesting political street theater. Many of the same people inside that caught my attention were participants. In the video below, you’ll note a group of youths that strike up a chant whiich they did after I asked them who they were. Last night, Hannity showed a clip of people being told to "start a chant" in response to anyone questioning them. It’s happening everywhere… even in New Hampshire.
Two nights later, I go to the Frank Guinta town hall meeting in Exeter and, lo and behold, I see several of the same people AGAIN. Funny though, they seemed to be playing different "roles." One girl, who led a group in a health care chant outside the Carol Shea Porter meeting ["We want health care NOW!"] looked as if she was media. Until she started shouting and making catcalls during several exchanges, that is.
Apparently this girl has other interests besides health care, as this video sent to me this morning clearly shows. How much money CAN one make, I wonder, fighting against the citizens, the free market, and basically America and New Hampshire as we know it?
I looked up the definition of "astroturf" in the dictionary, and guess whose picture was there?
Dare I look up "leftist" or "marxist?" "But Doug, she doesn’t LOOK like one of those…"