Notable Quotes - Michael Barone - Granite Grok

Notable Quotes – Michael Barone

On speaking about Obama offering security in lieu of freedom:

Our would-be soft despots are offering Americans money and the promise of security against economic distress. The vastly increased cost of government will nonetheless nearly leave half of households free from the burden of paying federal income tax and eligible for occasional rebates. As the CNN reporter Susan Roesgen said to a Tea Party protester, “Don’t you realize that you’re eligible for a $400 tax cut?”

In other words, take the money and shut up. Which brings to mind Tocqueville’s warning: “Every measure which establishes legal charity on a permanent basis and gives to it an administrative form creates thereby a class unproductive and idle, living at the expense of the class which is industrious and given to work.”

-Michael Barone

Sort of a play on "pay me now, or pay me later"; pay the piper now to cover over the "bad things"  or REALLY having to pay the price later.  It will indeed, to keep the cliches going, the devil we don’t know that will come to collect the highest price of all – loss of freedom.
