Hey honey, guess who is moving in next door? - Granite Grok

Hey honey, guess who is moving in next door?


Open Jail door

I am wondering if the Liberals are actually intent on turning this county into an insane asylum!  Every day, I’m turning around and seeing more ludicrous ideas, that years ago would have just gotten stares of derision.  Here in NH, an example is HB 415 (aka, the Bathroom Bill which we discussed on MTNP this past Saturday) which will allow men of any intent into any womens’ bathroom (or v.v., women into mens’ room, which does not enthuse me either). 

Now, it seems that Attorney Eric Holder is intent on letting us all get to be real neighborly like with these folks:

Guantanamo Detainees May Be Released in U.S.

WASHINGTON — Attorney General Eric Holder said some detainees being held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, may end up being released in the U.S. as the Obama administration works with foreign allies to resettle some of the prisoners.

Mr. Holder, in a briefing with reporters, said administration officials are still reviewing individual cases of the approximately 250 detainees to determine which will be put on trial and which may be released to comply with plans to close the detention facility by next year.

And all you have to do is thank A.G. Holder’s boss – President Obama!  He’s going to re-organize your neighborhood – just for them!

…European justice ministers met with Mr. Holder earlier this week and pressed for details on how many Guantanamo prisoners the U.S. planned to release domestically, as part of any agreement for allies to accept detainees. Mr. Holder said U.S. officials would work to respond to the questions European officials have over U.S. Guantanamo plans.

For "people who can be released there are a variety of options that we have and among them is the possibility is that we would release them into this country," Mr. Holder said. "That process is ongoing and we’ve not made any determinations or made any requests of anybody at this point."

Usually, words have meanings thought it seems that any word that President Obama seems to have a meaning all to himself.  Doublespeak?  Oh my gosh…

You notice that the above article says nothing about being jailed?  Just the word "released"?

Everything else is going topsy-turvey in what I used to recognize as "normal".  Now, not so much…
