Straight forward business process (technology a side issue)? - Granite Grok

Straight forward business process (technology a side issue)?

While this is from Computerworld, it really speaks to any business process that just goes awry over time because no one is either watching over things or asking questions:

At this construction company, there’s a regular need to document conditions at the job sites, reports a pilot fish on the inside.

And it’s down to a regular routine. "Employee A takes a digital camera to a construction site and takes some pictures," fish explains.

When A returns to the office, he hands off the camera’s memory card to employee B. B saves the pictures to the server and prints copies, which go back to A for review.

A picks out some of the pictures and gives the selected copies to employee C, who hands them off to employee D to scan, save as PDF files and e-mail those files back to C.

D scans the photos, saves them as in JPG format and e-mails them to employee E, who converts them to PDFs and then e-mails them to D, who forwards them to C, who e-mails them to whichever subcontractor needs to know about conditions at the construction site.

Says fish, "I have been asked if there is a better way to do this. …"

If it seems confusing, try this:  A to B to A to C to D to C.  D to E to D to C to the intended subcontractor.

Got that? Got a better one?
