Dope of the Week - NYT calling Yahoo out? - Granite Grok

Dope of the Week – NYT calling Yahoo out?

Yup, the coveted ‘Grok Dope of the Week Award goes to a dead tree news organization – The New York Times.

In this story, NYT is basically bad-mouthing what Yahoo did in China concerning

For a company that ostensibly believes in the Internet’s liberating power, Yahoo has a gallingly backward understanding of the value of free expression .

The company helped Beijing’s state police uncover the Internet identities of two Chinese journalists, who were handed 10 years in prison for disseminating pro-democracy writings. Testifying before Congress last year about one case, Yahoo’s legal counsel said the company was unaware of the nature of the investigation. Did he miss the language about providing “state secrets to foreign entities” — a red flag for a political prosecution?

Er, NYT, how about what you’ve been doing lately?  Remember outing a state secret here about tracking terrorists financing with the SWIFT financial reporting system?  How about those secret renditions?  And the use of cell / sat phones?  And troop movements? And…yes, the list goes on and on.

Or was it just because Yahoo’s target were journalists – you know, like your Jason Blair (a "fair haired rising star" who rose to that title because he made up the stories you printed?)

That shows how much they care about the power of information to liberate the world.

Free expression is a right.  What the NYT seems to forget is that is also has a responsibility. It has shown how little they care about those that try to keep us safe….and how little it cares about the rest of us in the country. 


(H/T: Slashdot
