Swift Boating - coming back into vogue - Granite Grok

Swift Boating – coming back into vogue

John Kerry

When I saw this yesterday, I thought "Great, he’s ready to fight a 3 year old battle again about a 40 year old war":

RANDOLPH — John Kerry said Monday there might be a next time for his presidential aspirations, and if there is, the 63-year-old U.S. senator from Massachusetts says he’ll be ready for the political torpedoes that helped sink his 2004 White House bid.

Kerry, whose service as a U.S. Navy Swift boat skipper during the Vietnam War came under attack in his race against President Bush, said he has compiled a dossier on his war record critics that he wishes he had as the Democratic presidential nominee.

Like we are often accused of, he’s ready to fight the last war.  Question is, has he YET released all of his military records to the general public (shh….nope!)?

And he really believes he’s got another shot at the brass ring?  Oh my….it is true – "for lots of Senators, when they look into the bathroom mirror in the morning, they see the next President of the United States". 

He’ll never let it go and perhaps "swift boating" will disappear from the political lexicon.  Right?

Oh, forgot this gem… 

Kerry also said he doesn’t see why Republicans were able to corner the market on the evangelical vote, adding that former Bush adviser Karl Rove used religion to divide voters.

“Evangelicals care enormously about the centrality of the teachings of Jesus Christ and of the Bible,” he said. “If you lead a life and if you are involved in issues that manifest a concern for those kinds of issues, there’s no reason that one separate issue or another ought to create a wedge.”

The Left just doesn’t get it.  Yes, the teaching are important…but they put the cart before the horse.  It is the INDIVIDUAL salvation and repenting that is the primary message.  What is referred to as "the social gospel" comes afterwards as a result of a changed heart.  As long as they continue to ignore this principle, they will be wandering in the Evangelical desert (as it were) for more than a few years…..

So back to "swift boating"….Saw this at Michelle Malkin:

On Monday, in defense of his wife against political critics, Bill Clinton cited the “swift boat” television ads of the 2004 presidential campaign that questioned John Kerry’s patriotism and the campaign commercials in 2002 that suggested Sen. Max Cleland of Georgia was soft on terrorism.

Seems like her other Democratic rivals are non-too happy with THAT?  So, is the Hillary machine starting to break down?  Or, as some have jesterly suggested, is Bill not wanting to be the First Husband that badly?
