Foreign Born Predators: Coming Soon to a Child Near You ... - Granite Grok

Foreign Born Predators: Coming Soon to a Child Near You …

child Photo by Masood Shnizai- pexels

Any day now, we’re going to hear about a new federal program to help younger kids become bilingual. This is so they’ll be able to understand what their illegal alien child rapist is saying while they are being abused.

They are already being groomed so that part is already paid for locally through the school budget. And we’re covering the cost to transport them, process them (when that happens), and for criminal justice to know who they are and release them into (or back into ) the homeland. While the children are paying a different price.

Given these are all known predators here illegally, handled by the system but left to roam free, I’m curious as to why they’ve been arrested (publicly). Did the open borders, sanctuary city state Dems need a photo-op (look we’re hard in illegal immigration!)? Did the predators exceed their bag limit? And how soon before they are out on the street to find new targets, possibly even closer to our homes here in New Hampshire?

Oh, and what about all the other criminals wandering around?

No wonder even Democrats are getting sick of this crap.
