Cora Segal is that Precious Snowflake that Steven Crowder Absolutely DESTROYED at UMASS - Granite Grok

Cora Segal is that Precious Snowflake that Steven Crowder Absolutely DESTROYED at UMASS

Cora_Segal_TrigglyPuff_FeministSo now we have a bit more info, courtesy of Stacy McCain:

The phenomenon of #TrigglyPuffCora Segal, the angry feminist who disrupted an event at the University of Massachusetts this week — deserves extended analysis, and I’ve got a 4,000-word draft in queue, awaiting the final touches. Spending two days analyzing the social significance of this comedic phenomenon was perhaps too much, but that’s my job. You need someone to totally overthink it? I’m available.

Anyway, while working on that brain-straining endeavor, it dawned on me what a small world radical feminism actually is. Cora Segal became notorious in March 2014 for a “Fat Justice” event at Swarthmore College that I blogged about, and here she is two years later, notorious again.

…Like other trolls, her behavior had been problematic for a long time before she — unexpectedly! — had her Internet Famous (Not in a Good Way) Moment.

I followed the Google link Stacy provided and found this “straight from the manatee’s mouth” (reformatted, emphasis mine):

I’m a college student in western Massachusetts studying radical leftist, anti-capitalist politics. Anarcho-communism, feminism, and body positivity are what I’m super passionate about. As you can tell, I’m a fat babe and proud of it. That’s not going to change. If it bothers you, I’m not the person for you, so don’t bother wasting your time.

Yup, in the (to become) State in which the Pilgrims discovered that socialism / communism didn’t work but capitalism / individualism / private property DOES (and in spades!).  I understand the idea of “academic freedom” but using tax monies to teach that which undermines the society and economic system that allows her to get said studies?  We really and truly must be morons.

I do a lot of activism at my school, particularly around body positivity, and dismantling the Prison Industrial Complex. As a white cis person, I’m continuing to learn and try to stand in solidarity with people of color and trans people. What I’m doing with my life I currently have a summer internship focused around immigrant rights and fighting the criminalization of undocumented folks. During the school year, I attend a small liberal arts college in western Massachusetts, where I study critical theory, and anti-capitalist social movements.

May trade nudes for burritos. Just kidding. I’m really good at Thinking critically, and belly dancing. Hablo español casi fluidamente. The first things people usually notice about me That I’m a fat babe, duh.

Yeah, we see your exercise of critical theory and your absolute failure in thinking critically – throwing out F-bombs, screaming “Hate Speech!” and other assorted inanities, well, showed us how well you aren’t thinking.  Rational discourse ain’t you, I must surmise.  Or if that is the best that Feminism can offer, that anarcho-communism can boast, I have no worries at all.  Your flapping arms of desperation in the video is something, however, to be scared of.

And the mentality that shows you can’t control yourself.  But that’s typical of First World gals who see problems of their own making but blame everyone else for them.

I spend a lot of time thinking about How to be a better activist. Checking my privileges. Dreaming of a post-revolutionary society. If I were an animal, I’d be a manatee because they’re basically giant sea teddy bears! On a typical Friday night I am You tell me. The most private thing I’m willing to admit I’m socially awkward. That’s all I’ll admit.

Trust me, you didn’t “check your privilege” – you just don’t believe that anyone else other than yourself has privileges that rival yours leading you to be a PIA at a public meeting.  Checking your privilege would have seen you sitting in that seat, quietly and taking notes, waiting for the open mic time.  Instead, you did exactly what you accuse “the capitalist patriarchy” does – totally disrespect others from a position of “Power”.  Yes, you abused your [non-existent] Power to try to shut up Christina Hoff Sommers.

And Steven Crowder was right to call you a “boar” – and a boorish one to boot.  Which is what should have happened to you – booted.

Go and read the entirety of what Stacy “the Other” McCain had to say.



