Well then, why didn't Paris have a "safe space" - Granite Grok

Well then, why didn’t Paris have a “safe space”

The inanity of this crybabies-on-campus just keeps going, prattling on about non-existent “white Privilege” (a made up Political Correctness submission tool”), “violating safe spaces” (a made up Political Correctness submission tool”), “micro-aggressions” (a made up Political Correctness submission tool”),  “trigger warnings” (a made up Political Correctness submission tool), “college is supposed to be a healing space” (funny, I used to think it was a place to become erudite but also a made up Political Correctness submission tool”), and “Feelings, nothing more than feelings” (heh! a Cultural Appropriation (a made up Political Correctness submission tool) of a historical artifact).

I think this pic from Powerline sums up one way of this stupidity:

Lesbian studies exam meets sombreroNote: the first part is self-explanatory – the sombrero stems from a college administrator throwing a casual, supposed to be light-hearted, Mexican theme party for students and others for which he has come under sustained attack.  Once again, we see that these Cultural Marxists are both petty and humorless whiners.  Flip these Precious Snowflakes that can’t handle reality the bird. And oh, if these gals can’t handle reality, go back home to Mommy and Daddy – you prove yourselves to be very little children unsuitable to take a place at the adult table.

So folks, what are you going to do about the 60s radical leaders that are now educating your kids?  You wanna keep paying $30 – 60K / year for THIS behavior?
