Data Point - Photovoltaic energy? - Granite Grok

Data Point – Photovoltaic energy?

Some facts if the Left really wants to go completely green that not many of them want to talk about:

· 29.3 billion 1 square meter solar panels are required for 100% solar power in the U.S. based on current demand 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.

· 29.3 billion 1square meter panels would cover 29,333 km2 which equals 7.2 million acres, or almost all of Maryland and Delaware.

· If 1 square meter PV panels were manufactured at the rate of 1 per second, it would take 929 years to manufacture 29.3 billion panels

· The cost of a solar only approach exceeds $15.27 trillion

· To meet all energy demands for transportation, industrial, and commercial-agriculture would require 176 billion solar panels and 5,574 years to produce

· Moore’s Law is not applicable to the production or deployment of solar panels

· Increases in “solar cell efficiency” have little impact on land area to produce utility scale power

· Unsubsidized Solar has applicability in rural areas and developing countries with low population density

· Google’s Green Energy Project RE<C was canceled; “Renewable energy technologies simply won’t work; we need a fundamentally different approach; Suggest “A disruptive fusion technology…”

And remember, even as these Environmentalists want clean energy, look how hard they have fought large solar farms out West on other “environmental” reasons.  Let’s face it – they don’t want ANY energy and would be quite happy see the US completely de-industrialized and the rest of us in sod houses.  And forget cooking over wood stoves – too much “particulate matter” and carbon emissions….

(H/T: Watts Up With That?)
