CloseUp - Kelly Ayotte and the elephant in the room - Granite Grok

CloseUp – Kelly Ayotte and the elephant in the room

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Careening off the beaten path of conservatism.
Careening off the beaten path of conservatism.

I haven’t done the transcript yet but it was clear as I listened that, even as Josh McElveen asked Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) about Obama’s “evolving” on his Presidetial Power to issue his Executive Order on granting Amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, she wasn’t going to bring up her own “evolving” on Amnesty (vehemently anti-Amnesty during her campaign for the office and her flip-flop to SUPPORTING Amnesty as she became buddies with Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham once in office).

And boy, was her effort in trying to backpedal her anti-Bill O’Brien letter rather lame.  It was clear that with all her gushing over Gene “Anyone with a R after their name is a good Republican” Chandler, she has planted herself squarely with the 20th century old heads of the NH GOP.

Consistency breeds Trust yields Votes – 2016 is fast approaching.

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