Jane Cormier's concession statement: Never give up! - Granite Grok

Jane Cormier’s concession statement: Never give up!

cormier bannerI want to thank everyone who put their heart and soul into our campaign for State Senate District 16. We had quite the battle. We fought not only my opponent’s huge money war chest, we also fought our own party who sought to involve themselves in the outcome of this race. Many entities were told to “sit out” supporting our candidacy. The fact that so many people in District 16 now understand Sen. Boutin’s past voting record gives hope that Sen. Boutin will endeavor to cast more appropriate REPUBLICAN votes should he win in the General election. Time will tell.

For me, if there is a message in this District 16 state senate race, it is NEVER give up! NEVER go along to get along, especially when you know your cause is just. President Reagan was right when he said we need BOLD colors rather than pale pastels. As we approach the general election in Nov., I hope we use this message going forth to talk about the importance of small government here in NH. We cannot expect to make effective change by ALWAYS reaching across the aisle. Sometimes, you just need to stand. And stand we did. We may not have won, but I like to think we have changed the trajectory of the debate. Now is not the time to sit down and give up!

My deepest thanks and appreciation go out to those who offered their time, talent, money, and VOTES to our candidacy. There are too many folks to mention here, but thank you, thank you, thank you! You can expect, as we move forward, our continued stance for truth and fairness in NH government. While many concentrate their efforts toward change inside the political system, we can also effect important change outside the political machine. So accordingly, we will continue the fight to bring common sense policies and small government back to our Granite State. This election does not change the fact we have work to do to bring New Hampshire back to its independent, small government roots.

God bless you. God bless New Hampshire. And God bless the United States of America. The greatest country on the face of this earth. Thank you.
