GrokTALK! 10-5-2013 The video - Intro ceremonies and remarks - Granite Grok

GrokTALK! 10-5-2013 The video – Intro ceremonies and remarks

Yesterday, the ‘Grok was pleased to have been invited to the NH Federation of Republican Women’s annual meeting yesterday in place of doing our normal GrokTALK! podcast recording.  Even with the smallest room (and, as it turned out, a smaller PA system), they graciously gave us space to set up our normal “tv studio in a laptop” kit (microphones, headsets, cameras, soundboard…) for live streaming the entire event, do some interviews (as Grokster Steve has started to post the audio).  The keynote speaker was Dr. Betsy McCaughey (former Lt. Governor of NY, Constitutional scholar, and one of the nation’s premier Obamacare experts (and yes, she HAS read the entire bill!).

While much of the meeting may not be of tremendous interest to all, it is to these ladies so here are the videos of importance to them:

Intro Ceremonies (Invocation, Pledge, National Anthem, Awards, and Recognitions:

Verity Swayne, outgoing President, final remarks:

Induction ceremony for new Officers conducted by Jane Lane
