Notable Quote - Patrick Henry - Granite Grok

Notable Quote – Patrick Henry

You are not to inquire how your trade may be increased, nor how you are to become a great and powerful people, but how your liberties can be secured; for liberty ought to be the direct end of your government.

– Patrick Henry
I dryly note that the purpose of our government is not diversity, or multiculturalism, or mandating equality of outcome.  It is not to lift some up and to ignore others.  It is not to provide charity or provide increased “trade” simply via “political contacts”.
And last of it, it is not to “mandate behavior” – it IS, as Patrick Henry states, to preserve our liberties and our freedoms (and that does not include the process by which Smart People (/sarcasm) feel entitled to mandate the taking away a bit of someone’s Freedom so as to “give it” to someone else. Freedom is neither something to be taken (because that is Tyranny) not given to someone else (because Freedom cannot be given, only taken away).
Our citizenry has forgotten the truth of this.