Health Insurance Archives - Page 2 of 2 - Granite Grok

Health Insurance

Obama: Charging A Penalty For Not Buying Insurance Bad…

The Web is brimming with the bitter bile of Obamhypocrsiy today.  (As it is most days).  But today seems particularly special.  First unpatriotic debt, and now The Divine Mr. O reminds us (Circa 2008) that charging people for not buying insurance is mean.  And he’s not mean like that. Except that he is.  (Are you …

Obama: Charging A Penalty For Not Buying Insurance Bad… Read More »

They were on their parents’ insurance back then. So why is it the same now, President Obama?

Sure, the kids were on their parents’s insurance when they were small.  President Obama – why is it that all you can do for them now is “Hey, I put you on your parent’s insurance now that you’re still children adults!” – instead of crafting an economic environment that would allow them to get jobs …

They were on their parents’ insurance back then. So why is it the same now, President Obama? Read More »

Sebelius Admits to Obamacare Double tap

Fans of the movie Zombieland might understand the post title right away. In the movie the lead protagonist, “Columbus” has a set of rules he always follows which he believes are the only reason he is still alive after the world is turned into Zombieland by a mutant strain of Mad Cow disease that turns almost everyone into crazed, flesh eating zombies.