Owner of JajaBelle’s in Nashua Crossed the Line - Granite Grok

Owner of JajaBelle’s in Nashua Crossed the Line

Save Women's Sports flag

Wednesday, April 20th, JajaBelles hosted coffee with the Mayor, an exclusive right afforded to owner Jessica dePointbriand for years. A citizen, who believes her first and fourteenth amendment rights were violated when a “Save Women’s Sports” flag (that was removed from the City Citizen flag pole by Mayor Donchess), showed up at the event.

When the coffee began, it was a cold windy spring morning about 43 degrees with a 16-mph wind. Ms. Scaer was heckled by attendees and yelled at to leave. Apparently, Jessica came out and explained that Ms. Scaer is not a very well-liked person, was negatively affecting her business, was blocking her tables, and disturbing the peace of her customers.

Well, Ms. dePointbriand, you do not own the sidewalk and who are you to decide that only the “cool kids” can frequent your establishment?

Who exactly did she think would eat outside at 8 am with a 16 MPH wind blowing down the wind tunnel that is Main Street? The repetitive arguments and vilification of Ms. Scaer did not sway Ms. Scaer to leave.

Ms. Scaer informed the owner that she should call the police if she believed she was violating the law. Jessica did just that. This is how a downtown business owner uses the police. How was Ms. Scaer described? As some vagrant who refused to move along? The police arrived and left and Ms. Scaer stayed because she was exercising the rights and freedoms that this great country affords all of us.

Maybe Jessica should consider that Mayor Donchess is not a wildly popular or well-liked Mayor and when she hosts events for his Honor, she should anticipate that those in opposition to his leadership and decisions may be present as well. She should embrace the controversy, respect the diversity, and not play political favorites for her own personal gain.

The barriers will be going up soon, fully funded by taxpayers, so food merchants like JaJaBelles can have expanded outdoor dining. Traffic will be reduced to two lanes with the hope of closing Main Street altogether to create a walking downtown. Should this come to be, this “heart of the City” location will become a perfect place for demonstrations and peaceful marches and protests for individuals and groups to come together and embrace the freedoms and rights this country affords all of us.
