Some Humans Will Do Anything To Hurt Their Fellow Man - Granite Grok

Some Humans Will Do Anything To Hurt Their Fellow Man

Tapestry Vatican Rome Italy Image by DEZALB from Pixabay

This week in the US we have heard of a plethora of shootings, stabbings, and fires. That’s combined with incessant talk of a build-up toward war with Russia or China, and news that the dollar will collapse.

And since we have just had an election season, there have been fights over who won and all the related chicanery. Don’t forget the new SADS — “sudden adult death syndrome” — where you simply drop dead on the floor.

To the average citizen, this may seem like an accumulation of separate difficulties. The pile-up of them is now becoming almost too much to bear. Or to put it another way, even for folks who don’t specifically concentrate on any of the aforementioned problems, the quality of life “all around” has been lowered.

Ask: Where is the joy of community if television gives us a steady stream of murder stories or housefires? Where is the joy of thinking of our kids’ future when we hear that 42% of them now have “mental health issues”? Where are artistry and intellectual life if there is no venue for such things?

In this article, I argue that the pile-up of sad events is not accidental; it’s deliberately planned. Indeed it isn’t really a pile-up; it’s a full design, as in a tapestry. Even if such an argument sounds ridiculous, I ask you to try picturing someone, somewhere, holding a veritable agenda — to lower the quality of human life and to make many of us see our lot as unbearable.

Such an agenda needs a name. I hesitate to employ the word “tapestry” as a tapestry is a beautiful thing. I’ll call it a “blanketry,” for now. For different folks, the blanketry may have different strokes, but in general, it means that the whole community suffers a decline in joy. The dark blanket that has fallen on us makes us think things will never get better and everyone is doomed.

Who would create such a blanket? Is it even conceivable that someone would try to bring down the tone of a whole society? First, try answering that in the negative. “No — such persons don’t exist” — the various sufferings (e.g., corrupt elections or an outbreak of arson) have ordinary explanations, same as in the past. The fact that they’re coming all at once might merely reflect a developing culture of lawlessness.

I agree that a culture of lawlessness can instigate criminal activity since the bad guys would no longer fear arrest. They could let themselves go free, doing shootouts if they are young men, or accepting bribes if they are bored old bureaucrats. But what is making law enforcers agree to the lawlessness? Their personnel — particularly in the courts — have always prided themselves on bringing justice. Why would they suddenly change their tune?

Again, there could be an ordinary explanation. Individual cops, prosecutors, and judges may start to think it’s no longer cool to act as in days of old. They may notice that recent grads of law school have not even been taught the ideals of law, aiming instead for winning the legal game against competitors.

Granted, people of high principle tend to be less conformist than their neighbors, but if they now find themselves unable to share the high principles, they may just give up trying. Morality is a shared thing. (Some religious people believe they can do the morally right thing as a loner, by having companionship with God, but their understanding of God came about socially.)

Examining the Blanket’s Designer via Mind Control

That said, I think the new lawlessness and the new unhappiness are “of a piece” and was designed on a drawing board. I am calling it a blanket to enable the examination of it.

For the last 17 years, I’ve been engaged in contemplating the MK-Ultra program of the CIA. That has made me swallow the unpleasant (and counterintuitive) truth that some humans will do anything to hurt their fellow man. (Note: although I say it is CIA based, it is more likely based in the UK’s psychology organization known as Tavistock.)

I’ll give a short list of what may happen to an MK-Ultra girl. This is a miscellaneous collection of tortures; each person does not receive all of them. There may be many other tortures that I omit:

1. Before birth, her pregnant mother may be given an electric shock to the womb.
2. Shortly after birth, the baby may find a phallus in her mouth (excuse me for being graphic).
3. As a child, she may constantly hear her mother say “I don’t love you. You are ugly.”
4. She is made to watch other children being killed.
5. She is taken on trips, e.g., to have sex with politicians, and then given a drug (or a tasering) to make her forget.
6. She is trained to stab people to death and may in fact do so.
7. Her handler dislocates her shoulder, exactly at the moment of orgasm, so she will confuse pain and pleasure.
8. When she is too old to be useful (perhaps age 35) she is given a suicide date, and is hypnotized to believe it will be a glorious experience (e.g., flying out the window).
9. She is made to feel anger and then is taught to suppress it (or face horrible punishment).
10. She is forced to kill her beloved dog or amputate the feet of her beloved cat.

As I said, that is a miscellaneous list. The experts have learned how the mind works and how they can control individuals, even making them act against their own interests. As far as I know, many mind-control techniques existed in the past in many cultures. These ones were developed in a formal way.

I neglected to mention control by drugging (remember the psychiatric wards to which political dissidents in the USSR were sent?). I did not mention the forming of cults, but these are a way to teach a whole group to be obedient. I did hint at the breaking of the mother-child bond, which was a specific project developed by psychiatrists at Harvard in the early 1900s.

Just the name Harvard reminds us that many prestigious universities and highly regarded doctors were in on this stuff. I don’t rule out that they themselves had undergone some form of mind control in order to be willing to behave so sadistically.

As with many outrageous public figures today — Fauci and Gates come to mind — it is easy to argue that their behaviors may have been elicited by greed; both of them profit monetarily from their wicked acts. But at least some of the players are motivated by means other than money. Many probably do it “for the power trip.” Some may do it because they have accepted “the teachings of Satan.” Some may have been born into it as the family norm.

Examining the Blanket’s Designer via Experience in War

This article is about what I see as a blanketing of the US domestic population with some sort of bad feeling, be it worry or hate, or hopelessness. I listed above, some ways in which a formal CIA program actually honed our government’s skills in that area. But today, the full blanketing involves, additionally, the physical disasters I referred to at the beginning: shootings, stabbings, fires, war preparation, election cheating, and SADS.

Remember, it’s my claim that the whole thing was worked out on a drawing board. I have no proof of that. I can only show that it is possible for human beings to do such a thing. So now, having said that it is definitely done on a small scale to MK-Ultra victims, I will provide a list of awful things that we do “wholesale” to entire countries. Again, my list will be miscellaneous:

1. We pretend that we are aiming at military targets while we knowingly aim at civilians.
(Note: the “we” I am using could mean any nation, not just the US.)
2. We use bioweapons to spread epidemics.
3. We meddle with a country’s economy, by sanctions, debt-creation, or sabotage.
4. We invariably manipulate elections, through misinformation, bribery or propaganda.
5. We create weather disasters and the consequent crop failures.
6. We commit atrocities and blame someone else — that is, we do false-flag operations.
7. We insert our personnel as spies and agents provocateurs.
8. We poison the environment with chemicals or radiation or vermin.
9. We assassinate an official or kill off a beloved social leader, to create humiliation or despair.
10. We encourage divisiveness by stirring up any opposing groups such as Christians versus Muslims.

There is no need for me to persuade the reader that a human being can do such things, as we do it admittedly and gloriously. “Congratulations to our brilliant military for producing floods in Vietnam which helped thwart the movement of the Viet Cong.” I note that several of the ten items are written up as crimes in international law — but that goes to show you what a fake deal international law is. (See my 1990 book, “Morality among Nations.”)

Fact is, all humans are equipped with a dual moral system. As Reinhold Niebuhr wrote in 1932, we are moral within our society, and simultaneously we are, as a nation (or lesser group), immoral to our opponent. In war, you don’t hold back — whatever does the job of defeating an enemy is OK. Yet most folks think of themselves as having only one consistent moral practice!

All that it would take, therefore, is for the blanketers to fiddle with their mind a little bit, to see us — the general population — as the enemy. In fact they do so, and have said so.

To add to their ease of hurting us, there is also the excitement of competition and conquest. Once you’ve seen a way to achieve something — as when our overlords see how easily they can bamboozle us through the press — you’d feel silly holding back. Discovery has its own dynamic.

So, Who Are the Blanketers?

Assuming the reader agrees that America is being hit with bad stuff, and is willing to venture a guess that it is a coordinated, deliberate blanketing, who is the coordinator? And what is the real motive?

I’m going to go for Occam’s razor here. William of Ockham, circa 1300, said the explanation with the fewest parts may be the right one. I honestly think the motive behind the jaw-dropping selfishness and meanness of the men at the top, is their ordinary selfishness (desire to survive), complicated by the hierarchical structure of human society whereby they have become alphas and need to kill all challengers.

To date I have never been able to persuade any of my friends of this. Because the whole thing looks so esoteric, folks can’t see it for what it is. I owe my insight (if it’s correct) to my years of studying sociobiology. As to the reason why we are seeing it now, and not before in history, I think it is because the top dogs have better means of pulling it off. Their weapons are tremendous.

Also, thanks to mind-control technique, they have perhaps converted millions of people to be their guards. At the moment, in US society, one can’t get anywhere by seeking help from the old familiar helpers: bishops, journalists, doctors, academics, judges, cops. Someone has somehow managed to shut down the moral instincts, and the truth-seeking instincts of most of those professionals. They are acting like zombies.

Getting Out of This Mess

I am trying to share the perspective that the blanketing is coordinated and that its truly ridiculous energizer is the selfishness of a tiny group at the top.
I hope this will cause some people to be less afraid of the bosses. I also hope (go on, tell me I’m a fool for this) that the big picture should prompt us to see that a national society — or possibly the whole species — is a unity. We can’t just fix things piecemeal.

I also hope (go on, tell me I’m a mental case) that the jerks at the top will figure out that they, too, got trapped.
And they really should come forward and ask for mercy. Especially on Thanksgiving.

Before God’s bountiful earth deteriorates to such an extent that there is nothing left to give thanks for.

