They Call Us “Election Deniers”; They’ve Become “Inflation Deniers” Which Lead Them to Be the Election Deniers - Granite Grok

They Call Us “Election Deniers”; They’ve Become “Inflation Deniers” Which Lead Them to Be the Election Deniers


Democrats have been claiming “no big thang” about inflation from one saying eat Chef Boyardee to Stacy Abrams saying to get an abortion to save the costs of a new child. Many of these Leftist pundits and politicians, with those and other utterances, show how disconnected they’ve become so wedded to the far Left and so disconnected from we Normal people.

And it is going to show tomorrow nite (and into Wednesday as necessary – and further because of the stupidity that Democrats have injected into our election process. Remember: failure points!).

Mark Penn is a reliable Democrat pollster.  No, I don’t mean a reliable Democrat – but he is that, certainly. No, I meant as a pollster and he’s been warning the Left about not concentrating on the issues that ordinary people are worrying about.  Take a listen:

He also talked about the Dems’ obsession (briefly) with “threats to Our Democracy” – their attempt to get the low-information voter to think that the country would DIE if Republicans booted the out of office. What a bootload of crapola that has been, hasn’t it? The ONLY threat (and I do need to do a longer post on this) to “our democracy” is…

Sidenote: Yes, I’ll go there – we’re a representative Republic and not a democracy. Just needed to be said AGAIN

…is the Democrats’ continuous yammering about not closing our borders, that riots were rather peaceful protests (billions in property damage, dozens killed), that Modern Monetary Theory wasn’t going to cause inflation, that Republicans want to kill off Social Security, that other nations now respect us (I can hear China and Russia snorting at that from my window), and that Government has to take even more of our hard-earned money.

Oh, and don’t forget to mask up and close schools – if you disagree, you’re a domestic terrorist.

You name it, they used every linguistic trick in the book to demonize and Otherize Republicans to get people to not vote for them tomorrow. Can’t debate the issues that , SHOULD be your takeaway from that strategy.

(H/T: RCP)

Oh, I’ll throw this in as a bonus:

(H/T: Hot Air)
