New Cross Referenced List and Merrimack Reps. - Granite Grok

New Cross Referenced List and Merrimack Reps.

Think of me as the guy who doesn’t always drink beer, but when he does, he prefers Dos Equis. It’s funny I should think of that because I am presently a paying customer in the new Mexican joint in the Bertucci’s building on Amherst Street, using their Wi-Fi hot spot because my former employer’s product is being a POS.

Anyway, I don’t always agree with Melissa Blasek, but she was my favorite Merrimack rep.  One might ask who cares about someone’s opinion of a rep in another district.  To that, I point out that I have no representation in the House and therefore must, as Nurse Terese would say, “lift up in battle” the decent reps in the suburbs. Sadly, as many already know, Melissa is no longer in office, and neither is Gary Daniels, just to add a comment about the “other side of the wall.”  Merrimack is turning into a hot mess, and I do hope, on behalf of all of us who aren’t represented in the House, that they turn the tide the right way this November. Anyway, onto MY list.

I’m calling it “MY list” so as not to be confused with that nutjob Dietsch, Angie’s list, Schindler’s list, or (for Beth Scaer’s amusement) Emily’s list.
My list is a cross-reference of the 31 Republican Enemies of Transparency and the 67 Republicans on another list I will call Ed Mosca’s list.

Melissa has pointed out that just because someone disagrees, it doesn’t necessarily make for a RINO. Fair enough. I have my own disagreements with a vast part of the Republican membership; hence my being an independent for decades and off and on over the past few years between candidacy for state and local office.  It’s also worth pointing out that I have supported and/or voted for Republicans in disagreement with me, sometimes more than once.

“What’s the point of this cross-referenced list,” one might ask, and my answer is still a work in progress.  The list of 67 definitely has plenty of people that I happen to like, and I will make no special concessions for them; as I said in my previous article, I gave no special treatment to any of its 31.  The overlap is a list of 9 reps, and here it is:


Do what you want with it, but let it be known that McGough is the arch nemesis of Melissa, kind of like Lloyd Braun is to George Costanza.

My hope for Merrimack and all of NH is that they can nix him along with the rest of the incumbent slate. Yeah, I said that. It includes three enemy camp members and mask lover Bill Boyd and his anti-RTK ilk Rs.  Let’s get eight decent freshmen elected in Merrimack because that’s a tall order here in Nashua, an order taller than Alderman Comeau, who is sadly no longer in office, or Elliot Gault, or even the cardboard Shaquille doll in Staples, just to give it some perspective.
