Today's Manchester Medical Freedom Townhall with Dr. Joseph Lapado and Gov. Ron DeSantis - Granite Grok

Today’s Manchester Medical Freedom Townhall with Dr. Joseph Lapado and Gov. Ron DeSantis

Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo and Governor Ron DeSantis were in New Hampshire today to discuss Medical freedom. GraniteGrok was there to get pics and video from the event.

Note: please click on any of the images to enlarge

Dr. Joseph Lapado

Florida Attorney General Dr. Joseph Lapado was introduced to the crowd by NH Majority leader Jason Osborn (who was introduced by Melissa Blasek, who led the pledge of allegiance). Dr. Lapado spoke first, talking about how he was a tenured research professor at UCLA. Job for Life. He was happy to be living in LA with his wife and kids. But when the COVID fearmongering hit, he went from being a very popular professor to one who was much less so because he was sharing and writing his thoughts as a doctor and an expert, but they were counter to the approved narratives.

He had no interest in politics but didn’t agree with the lockdowns or the lack of a plan for when they ended. He objected to the school and business closings that didn’t medically make sense. And even though he and his wife had just bought a house when Florida called to tell him they wanted to talk to him about being their next Surgeon General, his wife told him it was the call she was waiting for. She was ready to go.

Dr. Lapado, whom we have showered with praise and approval several times, let us know his thoughts on liberty and medical freedom. And he seemed genuine and emphatic about humanity and the freedom to pursue your life without any of the interference we’d seen from so many during COVID.

He had nothing bad to say about Mr. Trump, whom he’d met, but plenty of great things to say about Ron Desantis (we have some video of Gov. Desanti’s remarks today below)

A few crowd shots from McIntyre Ski Resort. Click to enlarge


And the Never Back Down Tour Bus.

Gov. Ron DeSantis

Gov. DeSantis received a very warm welcome as he took the stage next to his Surgeon General and proceeded through a series of excellent remarks about health freedom and the need for accountability in Washington.

Gov. DeSantis did a great job of itemizing the lies we were told (and looking right at me or towards me when I was taking his picture).

The origin of the virus, gain of function research, lockdowns, cloth masks, school closures, the impact of remote learning on young people, outdoor transmission, healthy quarantine, the efficacy of the mRNA shots, and, of course, the side effects.

He also reiterated what Florida did to protect people. They prohibited isolating students, defended physicians’ professional and free speech rights, and refused to go along with the club, repeatedly pointing to data instead of bowing to the fear narratives. He also worked to remove power from the office of the Governor of Florida and local government to protect people from arbitrary attacks on their liberties.


As President DeSantis says, he will lead a major overhaul of the FDA, CDC, and NIH. Push for term limits for bureaucrats. Address the power of the CDC, FDA, and NIH abuse with their grant writing. End the revolving door and kickbacks between CDC, FDA, NIH, and big pharma. And require more rigorous research before government agencies issue reports making medical claims.

He’s promised a total overhaul of the CDC and a reckoning for what the government did during COVID. And he was preaching to the choir, but he was 100% right. Whoever gets in needs to make all these things happen.

Here are three quick video clips from the Governor’s remarks.






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