Manchester Has a Republican Mayor! - Granite Grok

Manchester Has a Republican Mayor!

Republican Jay Ruais has won the Mayor’s race in Manchester, filling the seat vacated by Democrat Joyce Craig. He defeated Democrat Kevin Cavanaugh, Craig’s candidate of choice,  with only 6% turnout by a margin of about 480 votes. Cavanaugh has conceded the race.

Low turnout is not unusual for local or municipal elections when there are not state-wide or federal races, but low turnout has been a curse for Republicans in New Hampshire. Failure to get out the vote consistently costs them races where Democrats do a better job of getting their voters to the polls on election day.

Not in Manchester, and not on November 7th, 2023.


Jonathan Gerson, 38, a Manchester resident for 7 years, supported Ruais because “there’s some things that need to be done a lot better in the city.”

“He’s young. He’s likable. I think he’s going to be able to work well with different parties, with entities,” Gerson said. I think he will better coordinate and focus efforts on all the existing issues that we see — homelessness, housing prices.”

City officials said turnout at the polls was slow but steady throughout the day.

Patrick Cain, who owns the Mr. Mac restaurant with his sister and lives in Ward 1, said Manchester needs a change in supporting Ruais.

“We’ve got to have a change with all the issues going around, the crime rate and the homeless,” he said.


Manchester is a mess after six years of Democrat Joyce Craig. Ruais has a huge opportunity to make a difference before the November elections, which, if successful, could help candidates for NH House and Senate races. And, of course, the city and the people of Manchester.

Congratulations, Jay, and good luck. And, of course, we’ll all be watching.


HT | Union Leader
