Dr. Janci Lindsey on COVID Vaccines - "You Could Be a Perpetual Spike Factory..." - Granite Grok

Dr. Janci Lindsey on COVID Vaccines – “You Could Be a Perpetual Spike Factory…”

You have probably heard by now that those COVID injections, the boosters, the bivalents, and likely the new and not-at-all-improved Jab 2023 have some unpleasant side effects (that’s sarcasm).

Pain at the injection site, sudden heart failure, dropping dead. There are a few hundred more in between, but these truths still feel like they’ve failed to reach escape velocity.

Tens of thousands of pages have been pried from Pfizer and the Pfeds, but with an ongoing media blackout, the folks who think they can still eke out some unbiased reporting from the government-captured media are unaware. Newsflash. Not reporting is biased, too.

We do what we can, providing alternative opinions, research, and science. Today’s installment is a video from a South Carolina Senate hearing. The speaker is Dr. Janci Lindsay (don’t stop me if you’ve seen it). She has some things to say about vaccine safety signals (deaths, hello!), human trials, contaminated vaccines (plasmids), bait-and-switch injection, latent cancers from DNA treatments (like the mRNA), and how your gut could become a perpetual spike (protein) factory if you got the thing, and why that’s never good news.

Coming from a medical expert whom I can only assume has since been punished for daring to question the Public Health Industrial Complex, we felt it was news you could use to keep the dream alive. The one where, through brute force, expert testimony eventually breaks through someone’s wall of separation between the narrative and the truth. A light goes on. They begin to question the government’s message and motives, which, like a virus, spreads to other issues and actions until everything is suspect.

The duty, the obligation, to question authority. You never know what will get someone started on that path.

Start at one minute and forty seconds. You can hear here after that (and won’t miss anything vital), so jump there to 1:40 to get started.


