Second Amendment Happy Ending - Thrice! - Granite Grok

Second Amendment Happy Ending – Thrice!

Mark Alexander Second Amendment break our spirit and devotion to Liberty Liberal Logic 101

Twenty five States have now become Constitutional Carry States. More are “shall issue” States – unless otherwise adjudicated to be a “prohibited person”, Government MUST allow you to exercise your Second Amendment Right.

And this bad guy found out that when more people CAN, they WILL (emphasis mine):

THERE ARE SOME PARTS OF GEORGIA THAT I WOULD NOT ADVISE YOU TO ROB: Armed citizens foil robbery attempt.. “When a customer saw 39-year-old Shawn Sutton pull a gun on the clerk at the Ideal Mart in Ellijay, he pulled his own weapon. A second customer then retrieved his gun from his vehicle to assist, and both were able to disarm Sutton. When he tried to escape, a third customer pumping gas came inside with his gun and all three were able to hold him until police arrived.”

Emphasis added. The Police Chief:

“Six minutes can be forever, and these citizens that we have here are self-reliant and decided they’re not going to be victims. And fortunately, they were able to assist us and help us in a way that didn’t put anybody in danger.”

And reader John Steakley writes:

“At this point my only question is whether anyone in Gilmer County is NOT armed.” Maybe a couple of folks who’ve recently moved from California.

Refuse to be a victim. Take charge of yourself, your family, your friends, AND those around you. It doesn’t mean that you will be successful – but that attitude CAN save your life. I’ve been told that criminals and those looking for easy prey can suss out when they might be chewing off more than what they want simply by the way someone is carrying themselves.

I’ve never been physically accosted but I have been challenged by younger men thinking I might be an easy mark.  Staring back, especially in public, lets those kinds of people that they may well win but it may well cost them more than they think. They very well may not want that risk.

As Robert Heinlein observed: An armed Society is a Polite Society. That should rather self-evident. What the above told me is that when aggressors wish to bully they may well need to understand that those that refused to be bullied will end up with friends even if they have no idea who they are.

There is one thing that the Left may well NEVER understand of the People of the Gun.  We aren’t gunslingers and we aren’t swaggering fools trying to compensate for whatever stupidity they can think up. It ISN’T just about a Right which is about all they see – if they see any “rights” in the first place.

It’s about Responsibility. Rights REQUIRE self-responsibility. I don’t carry to make myself feel good about myself. I carry to protect – defensively. Not offensively. I’ll be quite happy, when my time on this mudball is over, to never have had to draw my weapon except to put it safely away from the Grandson at the end of the day who is too young to have such Responsibility.


(H/T: Instapundit)

