Clueless On Cavuto - Granite Grok

Clueless On Cavuto

Sun King Sununu

New Hampshire’s RINO/NeverTrump Sun-King Chris Sununu appeared on Fox News’ Neocon/NeverTrump Cavuto show yesterday to discuss South Carolina being awarded FITN by the Democrat Party. It is stunning how uninformed the Sun-King is.

Cavuto, who despises Trump, naturally asked Sun-King if Trump was to blame for the GOP’s miserable performance in the midterms. Sun-King, who obviously loves to hear himself talk, said essentially Trump was part of the problem, but the major problem was candidates who could not win.

Sun-King evidently is unaware that in Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, etc. elections are now ballot-harvesting contests. Democrats win these contests because in the weeks leading up to “Election Day” they bank so many votes that the GOP has already lost by Election Day. For example, there had been weeks of “early voting” in Pennsylvania BEFORE the debate where voters finally got to see that Fetterman was as much a vegetable as Biden. In Arizona, the Democrat candidate for Governor refused to debate because she knew that she didn’t need to persuade, but to “harvest.”

And speaking of “bad candidates” Lord Sun-King, your boy Chuckie Morse couldn’t even win a primary where the majority of voters are NOT real conservatives … because he campaigned like it was 1982, not 2022: low taxes, small government, blah, blah, blah.

Sun-King also claimed that the Democrat “liberal elite” would mount a primary challenge to Biden in New Hampshire. So, apparently, Sun-King is also unaware that the “liberal elite” are actually running the Biden administration.

Sun-King is such a clueless narcissist.
