A Maine School Counselor ‘Transitioned’ a 13-Yo W/Out Parental Knowledge and More! - Stack of Stuff #34 - Granite Grok

A Maine School Counselor ‘Transitioned’ a 13-Yo W/Out Parental Knowledge and More! – Stack of Stuff #34

dear trans community

I am having a private conversation with a mental health specialist who declared that part of their practice deals in this issue (we do not see eye to eye).  I sent that person this story and am awaiting the response. I, however, believe that this makes the case, along with the hundreds of other “news snippets” I’ve put up in other “Stack of Stuff” that should lead ANYONE to this result: there should be NO Trust. Period. Until proven otherwise.  Read this and let me know. And as always, reformatted, emphasis mine:

The transgender cult is not only an assault on biology and objective reality, but it’s also an assault on children, families, and parents. There’s a reason why the radical left opposes the use of the word “groomer” when we discuss Drag Queen Story Hourstransgender closets, and porn in school libraries; it’s because the word is accurate. They don’t want us to believe that it’s happening, but it is.

Young children are being targeted by the movement and encouraged to “transition” without the knowledge or consent of their parents. These stories are becoming more common. The latest story comes out of Damariscotta, Maine, where a mom found out that a school social worker had been secretly assisting her daughter to “socially transition” to live as a boy.

“In an emotionally charged address to the school board, Amber Lavigne said a Central Lincoln County School System (CLCSS) social worker at Great Salt Bay Community School in Damariscotta provided a chest binder to her daughter — a gender transitioning device the employee encouraged the young girl to keep secret from her parents,” reports The Maine Wire. “Lavigne said she’d never met the social worker — Samuel Roy — and had no idea school employees were secretly working to put her daughter on the path to gender transition. Other officials in the school also participated in the young girl’s social transition, using masculine pronouns to address her.”

Lavigne knew her daughter saw a school social worker, but she had never met Roy. According to the article, she said the breast binder was provided to her daughter two weeks after she met Roy

And the money quote:

“Under no circumstances should she have been provided a chest binder without the knowledge of her parents,” Lavigne said at a school board meeting. “A social worker at the school encouraged a student to keep a secret from her parents. This is the very definition of child predatory sexual grooming. Predators work to gain a victims’ trust by driving a wedge between them and their parents.”

Like I said, I’m waiting for the response. It should be “interesting”. The school can’t even give my grandson an aspirin without my permission and THAT social worker, Samuel Roy, gave out a “sex-denying” device to a pre-teen?  And if you read the story, you’ll see a staff member,  a 4th grade teacher, throwing the “Safetyism Card” in support of this dividing children from their parents.  Yep, let’s just rule this whole thing out of bounds for parents to bring up to their elected officials!  This is predation, straight up.

And now, you can add yet another kind of surgery to the “victim’s surgery tool kit” in transgender procedures. Unfortunately, we’ve had to learn the self-mutilation surgeries call “top surgery” (where a woman’s breasts are cut off – even in early teens) and “bottom surgeries” (yeah, you know what gets added and subtracted).  Welcome to the Age of what I will call “Side Surgery“. Let’s just stop with the affirmation bit and call it what it really is, shall we? If you are performing surgery on perfectly good organs, the proper word IS multilation – especially with pre-teens and teenagers:

This week in trendy, innovative cosmetic mutilations for LGBTQ+++™ community members that will further enrich the butchers surgeons at gender-affirming clinics across the country, we have “shoulder width reduction surgery.”

…Basically, shoulder width reduction works by sawing a section of the clavicle off and then fusing the remaining pieces back together with a metal plate. The procedure generally costs tens of thousands of dollars. You can see the surgery being performed here.

RelatedThe Rhetorical ‘Double-Bind’: How LGBTQ+++© Activists Rig the Discourse

Isn’t the liberal orthodoxy that you’re supposed to love yourself as you are, regardless of what society says about how you should look? That’s certainly the ethos behind the so-called “body positivity” movement that fat liberal women embrace as an excuse to stay enormous.

Somehow the same philosophy doesn’t seem to apply to lucrative transgender surgeries like shoulder mutilations. When there’s money to be made, and social fabric to rip apart, somehow, the same self-love mantra is tossed by the wayside…Research indicates that as many as 15% of patients experience postoperative complications following surgery. The mortality rate following surgery may be as high as 5.7%. How many lives will aesthetic, medically unnecessary shoulder width reduction surgery claim?

This obviously is for boys believing they are girls and want to look like such. And Transgender Activists are all about this now?

Oh, that Related link above?  I looked at it – yes, go read it all if you want to know how to better debate those that want you to believe that which your lyin’ eyes isn’t true (and my biology degree as well). It starts off with a summary that you NEED to pay attention to – what is being done is a PsyOps technique. As in Tails I Win, Heads You Lose (as in a debate):

“Double bind” is defined as:

 A psychological predicament in which a person receives from a single source conflicting messages that allow no appropriate response to be made.

…Via Cleveland Clinic:

Being transgender is not a mental illness. But people who are transgender face unique challenges, such as gender dysphoria and discrimination, which can affect their mental health.

So, transgenderism isn’t a mental illness per se, which is technically true. But transgenderism is the only cause of gender dysphoria. Non-transgenders don’t experience gender dysphoria. Cleveland Clinic thinks that, by its tactical wordplay, it can obscure this fact.

But the sage guidance of the APA and Cleveland Clinic notwithstanding, everyone anyway intuitively understands that feeling like their mind and their body are incongruous would be distressing.

…The biomedical state, which elsewhere acknowledges that gender dysphoria causes “clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning” — blames transgender suicide on everything but the most obvious reason:

Suicide risk factors include discrimination, family rejection, internalized transphobia, and being denied appropriate bathroom or housing access.

…You see, transgenders’ severe mental health issues aren’t the product of literally believing they are in some alien body — it’s actually the handiwork of transphobes!

There’s more at the link that talk about the cognitive dissonance about being a trans-women (and “affirming” it) but at the same time demanding that Society see them as “full women”.

And yes, in acknowledging the top story, here’s a story about the teacher that “affirms” that she doesn’t care about Parents – and their religious views:

Heather Marie Godbout, whose job title claims she is a “literacy coach” at Crete-Monee High School, has posted a series of education-related videos on TikTok under the handle @thatliberaleducator. In various videos, she excoriates conservatives as “people who could know better if they could get out of their own little bubbles” and accuses them of “trying to bring down our democracy and create a Christian nationalist theocracy.”

In one particular video, which has the phrase “Indoctrination? Yes please!” emblazoned at the top and is replete with furrowed brows and audible lip smacks, she claims that it’s “[t]ime to own up to” indoctrinating students.

“All you right-wing conspiracy theory nut jobs who seem to think the teachers are out here just indoctrinating children into some sort of woke agenda that you can’t actually define, I’m just going to come clean,” Godbout begins. “I am, in fact, indoctrinating your children,” she admits.

And finally, to that Biden mandate that hospitals and doctors that received Federal monies SHALL perform transgender surgeries that normal people would call mutilation:

…courts blocked the Biden Administration’s creepy regulatory attempt to force hospitals to conduct child genital mutilation.

A federal court on Friday blocked a Biden administration mandate that would force religious hospitals and doctors to facilitate gender transitions against their sincerely held moral convictions.

The Eighth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals affirmed a lower court’s decision to block enforcement of the rule on the grounds that “intrusion upon the Catholic Plaintiffs’ exercise of religion is sufficient to show irreparable harm,” the filing reads.

Catholic nuns, clinics, a university, and hospitals were among the plaintiffs in the case, represented by the Becket Fund. The plaintiffs all provide medical care for transgender patients but refuse to provide gender-transition surgeries because they believe them to be harmful. Their grant of permanent injunctive relief from the lower court was preserved Friday.

This is a war by secular humanists vs those of religious faith.  Tyranny can be defined as forcing one to act against one’s beliefs as in this case. It is also when you are told that you will believe what the Government tells you to believe even if it is against your own. It is also when it decides to change your childrens’ beliefs that you have been raising them with and substitute its own.

And even more sanity is beginning to appear – in a different part of Maine:

The Oxford Hills School Board voted unanimously Tuesday night to indefinitely postpone the adoption of a controversial policy that would require school employees to keep details of students’ mental health secret from parents. Under the proposed policy, a student experiencing gender dysphoria or gender confusion could ask a school employee to withhold that information from parents, and the school employee would be required to comply.

The proposed policy would also require school staff to coach students on how to avoid changing official records in a way that might allow parents to discover that the student is struggling with gender dysphoria or gender confusion. The policy would effectively cut parents out of the conversation when it comes to student mental health.

More than 700 parents in Paris, one of the towns in the school district, were so alarmed by the school boards proposed policy that the signed a petition to recall Julia Lester and Sarah Otterson, the school board members seen as the driving force behind the policy.

Once again, we had a school board acting badly and Parents telling them “No, YOU are not in charge, WE are. And if you aren’t going to listen to us, we will MAKE you”.  And the post talks about the fact that transgender activists have been receiving tax monies, paid by Parents, to work against their beliefs.  This is what Government is supposed to do – ignore Parents’ wishes?

And don’t you just love this part – look at what Parents are called when they go against the Transgender Mafia:

John Wilcox, who could not be heard well because he was wearing a mask, said he supported the policy and believed the policy’s critics were inciting an “act of terrorism.”

When you are reduced to ad hominum attacks, just go home because you’ve already lost the debate and issue. After all, the Biden Administration already called we Parents “domestic terrorists” for criticizing School Boards (thank you, National School Board Association). And I remind you that a couple of day after that came out in the national news, I asked my school board if I was a domestic terrorist. Only ONE of the five said that I wasn’t – the rest remained silent.

And here’s the point that most Parents are making:

Oxford resident Jason Brine said the extended debate over the gender policy was a distraction from education. “Why can’t we talk about education? I’ve been to twelve board meetings, there’s been nothing about education. Maybe sell the school to a private school, they might be able to do a better job,” he said.

Indeed – there are some studies that show that the more “Woke” a District goes, the lower their standardized scores go. I’ve got that posted somewhere in here…


