Federal Judge Blocks Biden Admin's Radical Transgender Overreach - Granite Grok

Federal Judge Blocks Biden Admin’s Radical Transgender Overreach

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Democrats are generous with your tax dollars when it comes to things like foreign aid, Green Energy Myths, and the Ukrainian laundromat. Refuse to administer puberty blockers or perform transgender surgeries and kiss your odds of getting reimbursed for Medicaid, Medicare, or research grants goodbye.

You could be morally, professionally, or scientifically opposed to the no-choice mandate, and it wouldn’t matter. The Biden Administration’s reinterpretation of provisions passed a decade ago stood in the way. From May 2021,


Yesterday’s HHS announcement will only lead to more incidents of poor patient [and] could also lead to medical professionals who understand the medical harms of hormones and surgery for “gender transition” purposes being silent about these harms, out of fear of being sued and punished for “discrimination.” Furthermore, it could lead to significant erosion of the conscience rights of medical professionals who have moral objections to “gender transition.”


Another example of the government getting between doctors and patients, which – correct me if I’m wrong, was a primary talking point for passing Obamacare. But the Biden era is founded on a Democrat party platform of medical intervention by Federal mandate. You will close your business, stay home, lose your job, get The Jab (and the booster), give children hormone therapies that could kill them, or perform unnecessary surgeries to remove sex parts without regard to mental or physical health.

They are pretty insistent with the threat of lost funding, losing your license to practice, or even prosecution.

But a Federal judge just tossed out the Biden HHS rules.


In his Friday decision, however, [U.S. District Judge Matthew] Kacsmaryk said the Biden administration’s interpretation of Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was erroneous, since the Bostock ruling “does not apply to Section 1557 or Title IX.”

According to the Trump-appointed judge, the HHS’ arguments attempting to “retroactively apply Bostock” to Section 1557 were “unpersuasive.” He pointed out that while “Congress could have included ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’ in the statutory text,” it “chose not to.”

“Instead, Congress limited Section 1557’s protections to those afforded by other federal statutes — including Title IX. Because Title IX does not protect ‘sexual orientation’ or ‘gender identity’ status, neither does Section 1557,” Kacsmaryk wrote.


The victory could be short-lived. As predicted, the Lame Duck Congress will be ramming through whatever they can get to the House floor before January, whether the slim Dem majority in the US Senate can pass it. But some of it will get through, and Biden signs everything they put on his desk.

Congress could rewrite parts of Title IX and Section 1557, which, if passed into law, would mean more lawsuits to block it based on rights of conscience which get lip service as it is. The Government, including the Blue States, is happy to stomp on your religious freedoms and force you to spend a fortune fighting it in court.

We’ll take the win but expect the Dems to respond quickly to get what they want.

