The Resolve Initiative Candidate Debates - Granite Grok

The Resolve Initiative Candidate Debates

The Resolve Initiative Poll Results

Friday, August 5th at 4 pm over 300 patriots gathered at the Kingswood Art Center in Wolfeboro, NH for The Resolve Initiative Candidate Debates. Twenty candidates attended to share their platform and, if possible, debate their counterparts throughout the six-hour event (which can still be viewed).

If you are unfamiliar with The Resolve, it is a massive orchestrated write-in campaign to force a hand count in the election for Resolve nominees.

This will help ensure that we the people can elect liberty-minded officials who will help return us to the Constitution and our God-given rights. You can sign up and become a member at any time on the website listed above with just an email (to receive newsletters), and your zip code.

There will be a sample ballot out soon with The Resolve candidates for you to use and share. Also, you can join in on the recruiting and “get your 10” by picking up cards and signs at many locations across the state.

Inside the arts center, over 300 attendees could purchase Resolve merchandise, enter raffles, get copies of the NH Constitution (because if you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any!) as well as meet candidates one-on-one and discuss the issues at hand. It’s hard to describe the feeling within that lobby as anything other than powerful. The buzz of people sharing their concerns and having real conversations with the candidates sparked hope inside me that we are witnessing a real shift among the people – recognizing our strength and working to take back our freedoms.

Taking the stage for State Senate was Dave Devoy (District 2), Nancy Cunning (District 3), Ed Laplante (District 9), Ian Freeman (District 10), Keith Carlsen speaking for Michael Yakubovich (District 16), Richard H. Girard via video recording(District 20), Peter Torosian (District 22), and Lou Gargiulo (District 24). For Executive Council , we heard from Harold French and Kim Strathdee (District 2), Anne Copp (District 5), and Terese Grinnell (District 4). Justin Worthley (running for Carroll County Sherriff) also made an appearance at the end of the night. And finally the candidates for Governor: Jay Lewis, Karen Testerman, Julian Acciard, and Thad Riley. Chris Sununu was invited but declined to RSVP….

Constitutional scholar Daniel Richard acted as moderator, asking questions about the Governor’s source and limit of authority, what the candidates believed would constitute a mandate or executive order, acceptance, and dispersion of federal aid, absentee voting, etc. The candidates each had their own unique and well-formed answers but all agreed on their stances, citing the Constitution and vowing to stop the government overreach we’ve seen these last few years.

The audience was also invited to fill out index cards with questions they had for the candidates but unfortunately, they ran out of time to answer them. Luckily, Karen Testerman, Thad Riley, and Julian Acciard did all find the time to answer the questions supplied – those answers can be found on the We the People NH Facebook group and their Telegram channel.

The end of the debate signaled the beginning of the online vote on The Resolve’s website to choose the State Senate candidate for District 2 as well as the Governor candidate. After a weeklong window in which anyone could input their email and zip code to make their vote count, Karen Testerman was selected as the official Resolve candidate for Governor.

Those who voted for her cited her position on the 2nd amendment, sanctity of life, her vast knowledge of the Constitution, and her lack of concern for what the “establishment” might think of her.

Personally, when I first met Karen, I had no idea who she was. I just saw her as a welcoming fellow patriot live streaming and joining in the fight. It wasn’t until later I knew who she was and that she was running for office. The fact that she was there, proudly standing with us and sharing it with the world made a very big impact on me. She is truly one of us.

With the candidates selected and less than a month to go before primaries, now is the time. Spread the word, help register voters, organize an event in your area, volunteer as a door knocker…get the word out! It is up to the US to ensure we take back New Hampshire and we can do it, together. With God and potentially hundreds of thousands of Resolve members joining arms and standing behind her against the establishment…we cannot fail. Make sure to sign up for The Resolve at and sign up as a volunteer at

When Daniel Richards stepped up to the podium Friday night with a smile, he said:

“Welcome to the revolution.”
