How 'bout Declaring an "Economic Climate" Emergency? - Granite Grok

How ’bout Declaring an “Economic Climate” Emergency?

Walking road green energy commuting

The watermelon Marxists have another “day” to celebrate their desire for poverty through central planning. It’s called Earth Overshoot Day. Not to be confused with Green Agenda Debt Overshoot Day. Or, How are we going to Charge all Those EVs Day?


Now we know the plan noelectricity for all those EVs


Earth Overshoot Day (is) an annual observance that marks the day humanity has used all of the natural resources, such as fisheries, cropland, and forestry that the earth produces annually.


I’m sorry but…what?

We haven’t used up anything, except perhaps our patience with this greenie-weenie BS.

The American dollar is the only “green” being squandered and used up. Machine politicians have so overspent that we have rising inflation, recession, devaluing, and a chronic case of taxation without representations. Millions of women (whatever those are) and minorities (and a few men) not yet born have been saddled with massive debt and a tax burden for which they never had a voice. Talk about a voting rights problem.

The watermelon Marxists don’t want to hear it. Fingers in ears, lalalalala, as they do artsy things celebrating the collapse of western civilization, without which, they’ll have no time for art.

Nothing about the Green Agenda is green or makes sense. Their solutions are all dirty or can’t work without more of what they claim is dirty. And the only possible endgame to any of this is a two-class system with people who have electricity (AC, transportation, heat in the winter, and any quality of life) and the rest of us hoping for scraps.

It’s sad because I’d be willing to bet that some of these people are not complete idiots outside the topic of “saving the planet.” So, maybe there’s hope.

I get it, this is your god, and you are more than willing to sacrifice other people and their things to it, but you are robbing the future to pay for a plan that can’t work today or ten years from now (or whatever the next doomsday date happens to be if we do nothing).

And the form of government necessary to take so much to do so little is consistently the biggest polluter on the planet.

But you make pictures, tell stories, and pretend while the rest of us work to pay off the debt for your fantasy.

It’s okay, freeloaders. We’re on it. And while we’re at it, how about proclaiming an economic climate emergency? That’s the only one we need unless you’d like to take your crusade to China, exponentially the world’s biggest polluter. A place where even a little would make a big difference.

And we promise to write to you when they put you in prison. We’ll use cardstock from free-range trees and responsibly sourced pens and ink.

Seriously, we will.


