Victory for the Gene Pool? - Post Dobbs Vasectomy Consults up 900% - Granite Grok

Victory for the Gene Pool? – Post Dobbs Vasectomy Consults up 900%

Woman scissors original Photo by Michael Dagonakis on Unsplash

The party of loose sexual morals, and taxpayer-funded birth control, can’t stop talking about abortion. And that’s a good thing because what matters to Americans right now is the economy. Inflation, energy prices, falling behind economically. So, please – keep obsessing over abortion.

Tell everyone you meet about your anger issues over the Dobbs decisions, and hey, tell them this too.

In the hours right after the Dobbs decision dropped, giving control of these “health care”decisions back to the states and the people, liberal men (I can only assume) began calling Eurologists for vasectomy consults. I guess someone figured out that there was a way to prevent pregnancy that could then prevent the need for abortion without government involvement.

According to this report, the calls rose 900%.

Quick question. Is this an admission that all that tax money spent on contraception was wasted dollars because it doesn’t work? Answer: Democrats don’t care. Whatever launders the most cash through abortion clinics into their campaign coffers is fine by them. Failed contraception means more abortion.

Another question. If vasectomies are the only reliable contraception, will taxpayers be milked to support this essential men’s Health Care Issue? Answer: Only if Planned Parenthood starts doing vasectomies. In this context, “doing vasectomies” would mean laundering tax dollars through abortion providers who refer “clients” to actual Eurologists. Ironically, that would be one of the few examples of an activity that meets the definition of ‘Planning’ Parenthood.

Alternatively, Democrats could lobby Eurologists and try to turn them into a new campaign money laundromat, but we’re talking about a procedure on men. I don’t see it happening.

As for the men lining up to get snipped, these days, they are almost universally reversible (the procedures and the men), so the vasectomy is not permanent. But you still have to have another procedure to undo it. It’s different.

Getting it done implies free love and loose sexual morals. Sex without responsibility. But will spinless liberal Gen Z “men” be inclined to get that undone? If they skipped that, it would be a massive victory for the gene pool. We have too many beta males now.

The fewer of them procreate, the better.

As for liberal women, whatever those are, if you ever end your sex strike (and I think you should hold out for at least 10-20 years), you’ll want a notarized signed affidavit before copulation.

You should demand written legal proof of the vasectomy, and that post-procedure testing demonstrated that the snip-snip was a success.

You may not have noticed, but Democrat men lie a lot.

Don’t trust those bastards, especially if they are married.



HT | Washinton Examiner
