Gunstock Area Commissioners - here's your Right To Know demand for Friday's non-public meeting after seeing Notice of yet another Emergency Meeting today - Granite Grok

Gunstock Area Commissioners – here’s your Right To Know demand for Friday’s non-public meeting after seeing Notice of yet another Emergency Meeting today

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So I was tipped off yesterday that there was going to be another Emergency Meeting for the GAC early this afternoon and one agenda item caught my attention (emphasized below):

Posted 7/30/2022
Emergency Public Meeting of the
Sunday, July 31, 2022, at 1:30 p.m., Eastern Time at the Gunstock Mountain Resort.

The undersigned chair of the Gunstock Area Commission pursuant to Article III, paragraph 1(e) of the Commission’s bylaws calls for a special public meeting of the Gunstock Area Commission:

Dr. David Strang, Chair Pro-Term of the Gunstock Area Commission

This notice is posted at the Gunstock Administrative Office, the Belknap County Commissioner’s Office and online at GUNSTOCK.COM

This special meeting is a public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3.

Tentative Agenda:

• Call to Order
• Pledge of Allegiance
• Motion to rehire GMR staff
Motion to seal the non-public minutes of the July 29 emergency meeting
• Adjournment

I can imagine, from the prodding of how extremist both Doug Lambert and Jade Wood have become in demanding other GAC Commissioners resign because THEY won’t toe THEIR line, how contentious the following non-public meeting had to have been.  After all, with the constant pressure placed upon a relatively new person to politics (and Doug being a master of it), I was not surprised to hear that Peter Ness had finally had enough and resigned.  When these two announced the news, their faces were beaming with pride (and the partisan crowd erupted in loud cheers).

Look at that 4th agenda item. Well, my turn (emphasis mine):

Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA. 91-A:4 (I) ), I am demanding access, within 5 business days, to the below enumerated governmental records Otherwise, if this cannot be fulfilled with the mandated 5 business day window per RSA 91-A, please advise when the Responsive Records will be made available.

This request is for the currently unsealed meeting minutes and the Zoom recording of the meeting of Friday, 7/29/2022, (as it was a remote attended meeting by some of the participants).

This document is a more formal one meant as a follow on to the “texted” RSA 91:A demand sent to Chairman Pro Tem Dr. David Strang at 8:50 pm yesterday (7/30/2022):

Having seen the agenda for tomorrow’s special meeting, consider this a text version RSA91:A demand for the July 29 non-public meeting as the minutes have not yet been sealed at this time. I will follow up with a more formal document if that is needed.

This demand is also for the Zoom recording of that meeting. If it was not locally record, it can and will be provided by Zoom.

This is that more formal document. All such companies like Zoom are required to follow all Laws in this type of matters; this 91:A document is a legal demand. They will have a backup on their servers.

Also, if it turns out that this Zoom meeting was illegally recorded in that not all participants were informed that it was being recorded (NH is a two-party consent State), this demand should include whether it was legally recorded or not. Further, this demand requires the name of the person who triggered the recording.

Per RSA 91-A:4 IV(c) If you deny any portion of this request, please cite the specific exemption used to justify the denial to make each record, or part thereof, available for inspection along with a brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the information withheld.

As you are aware, in 2016, the New Hampshire Supreme Court ruled that a governmental body in possession of records is required to produce them in electronic media using standard of common file formats: Green v. SAU #55, 168 N.H. 796, 801 (2016). Unless there is some reason that it is not reasonably practicable for you to produce these records in the requested format, I ask that you either do so or explain why it is not practicable for you to comply.

Please also note, per RSA 91-A:4 III, III-a, and III-b, you are required to maintain the safety and accessibility of such responsive records. This also includes such responsive records (e.g., emails) which may have been deleted from respective Inboxes but are still available on the applicable email server or in your / email host backup system(s).

Please let me know when these records will be sent to me for inspection.

You may email the responsive records to me at If the volume or he size of responsive records turns out to be substantial, I will set up a Dropbox folder for all those responsive records to which they can be uploaded.

Thank you for your lawful attention to this matter.


Skip Murphy

I have a real good guesstimate that a number of things were said that would show that a couple of the attendees in a far different light than what their more public personas appear to show.

I’ve completed processing the videos from Friday and I’ll start posting them up tonite.  One thing is clear, Peter Ness was hounded and bullied by the “tolerant crowd” to resign. Twice now, during public meetings, I have brought up the name that you readers know full well: Saul Alinsky and his Rules for Radicals. Each time, I have met with derision and catcalls – and Doug Lambert just shaking his head. My thoughts are that he’s trying to run away from it knowing full well that what he and Jade Wood are following such Rules.

Sidenote: She’s not just a GAC Commissioner, she is also the NH GOP Area 5 Vice Chair who is now not only working to dislodge good Republicans from their appointed seats on the Commission but also agitating that the mobocracy unseat good Conservative/Liberty& Freedom Republicans in the Primary and General Election in the 2022 Primary Season.

They hounded Peter Ness to quit.  They’ve now switched to pound Dr. Strang such he would be the next.  They are also ginning up the crowd to remove the Belknap County Delegation leadership –

You know, like this:

RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.

RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)

Yet, Lambert consistently maintains he knows nothing of it. Yet, ALL of their actions can be traced back to these Rules when it comes to Peter (and a couple more as well). Yet, both of them willingly engaged in the politics of personal destruction – neither can argue the merits of the differences.
